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Q: Can you represent a line on a paper?
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What does a straight line drawn on a piece of paper represent?

a plane

What paper folding method can be used to form perpendicular line segment?

Fold the paper along the line. Fold the paper again so that the first fold is folded onto itself and such that the second fold goes through a specified point - if any. The second fold will represent a line that is perpendicular to the first and which passes through the specified point.

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What does the equatorial line represent?

The equatorial line represents the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. It is located at 0 degrees latitude.

In a fraction what does the line represent?

The line separates the numerator and the denominator.

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mirror line

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take a no. line

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What does ASCII code 10 represent?

ASCII (decimal) 10 is a linefeed character. text editors often use both a carriage return character (13) and a line feed character (10) when starting a new line. the same logic a typewriter uses where you have to return the carriage (which moves the paper over) and then feed the paper upwards.

Does a vertical line represent a function?
