Usually not. You can see their eggs though. These are called nits - from which comes the expression nit-picking!
Head lice, or pediculosis capitis, is caused by an infestation of head lice, peduculis humanus capitis. It is spread by direct head to head contact with an infected person. Transmission by bedding, clothing, or headgear is possible, though less common.
head lice was formed by other people if you link head together and if you do not wash your hair daily other wise you get dandruff
you can use rubbing alcohol, olive oil, listerine, mayonaise. or if you want a faster remedy even try flat ironing your hair close to the scalp. this will kill lice eggs and live lice.. proven! ive done this myself.. kill them faster that way and try not to waste your time by just skimming the top layers.. try and go by parting the hair into sections and going as close to the scalp as possible.. the result is fried lice and a happy you! :)
Lice can get to be as big as an ant or as small as a flake of skin...(so very small)
you suicide
Nah, you cant hardly even see lice! XD
If you have had head lice 2 weeks before sleeping on your pillow you might want to wash it. Head lice can lay their eggs on everything including pillows, so take precaution. ----
You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice
No, dogs do not get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and cannot be transmitted to dogs.
No, pets cannot get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and do not infest animals.
Head lice is actually already the plural form. The singular is head louse.
No. You cant get head lice from chips.
No only humans get Head Lice
If you have head lice, you need to get treated as soon as possible. Once you are treated and you don't see anymore lice, you are no longer contagious.
If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live
No, dogs cannot get head lice. Head lice are specific to humans and do not infest animals like dogs.
no, beer can not kill head lice