

Can you see head lice

Updated: 10/26/2022
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10y ago

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Usually not. You can see their eggs though. These are called nits - from which comes the expression nit-picking!

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Q: Can you see head lice
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Can people breed there head lice?

Nah, you cant hardly even see lice! XD

If you cant see head lice on your pillow do you have to wash it?

If you have had head lice 2 weeks before sleeping on your pillow you might want to wash it. Head lice can lay their eggs on everything including pillows, so take precaution. ----

How do catch hair lice?

You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice

What is the plural of head lice?

Head lice is actually already the plural form. The singular is head louse.

How long are you contageous once treated for lice?

If you have head lice, you need to get treated as soon as possible. Once you are treated and you don't see anymore lice, you are no longer contagious.

Can you get head lice from chips?

No. You cant get head lice from chips.

Can a hamster get head lice?

No only humans get Head Lice

Can hamsters get head lice from a human?

If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live

Will beer kill head lice?

no, beer can not kill head lice

Can head lice hop?

Yes Head Lice Dose Hop

Will you be itchy if head lice go in your ears?

Yes, head lice can live and lay eggs in your ears. Most doctors don't even seem to be aware of this. Bring it to your doctor's attention in order to be properly and fully treated in the head lice removal process.

Can african-americans get head lice?

Anyone with hair on their head can get head lice. Bald people can't get head lice, so for a long time the cure was to shave your head. But now you can buy special shampoo that kills lice.