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you can use rubbing alcohol, olive oil, listerine, mayonaise. or if you want a faster remedy even try flat ironing your hair close to the scalp. this will kill lice eggs and live lice.. proven! ive done this myself.. kill them faster that way and try not to waste your time by just skimming the top layers.. try and go by parting the hair into sections and going as close to the scalp as possible.. the result is fried lice and a happy you! :)

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Q: Which home ingredients you use to get rid of head in lice in less than i week?
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Related questions

How do you avoid head lice?

Try to avoid head to head contact with another infected person and you will be less likely to get Head Lice

Can other animals transport lice into your home?

I dont think they can transport lice to ur home, but if they do have lice and you are playing with them or if your head is close to them there is a chance you willl end up getting lice as well.

What causes head lice?

Head lice, or pediculosis capitis, is caused by an infestation of head lice, peduculis humanus capitis. It is spread by direct head to head contact with an infected person. Transmission by bedding, clothing, or headgear is possible, though less common.

What other iteams at home that will kill head lice?

Mayo will work

Home remedies for head lice?

Some home remedies for head lice are: Mayonnaise Vaseline t tree oil vinegar nutrigena shampoo- leave in for 10 minutes come it out for 7 days

How do catch hair lice?

You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice

Do you have to stay home from school if you have head lice?

Yes. Lice can jump from head to head - whether by hugging schoolgirls or boys playing sports (or vice versa). Lice should be treated and nits should be removed, before the child returns to school.

Can you catch headlice if your over 50 years?

Parasites such as lice really do not know or care how old their host may be. There is no age limit. Possibly the only advantage that the elderly may have, in avoiding head lice, is that they often have less hair, and head lice need hair to live in. Bald people won't get head lice.

What is the plural of head lice?

Head lice is actually already the plural form. The singular is head louse.

Can you get head lice from chips?

No. You cant get head lice from chips.

Can a hamster get head lice?

No only humans get Head Lice

Can hamsters get head lice from a human?

If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live