head lice was formed by other people if you link head together and if you do not wash your hair daily other wise you get dandruff
Head lice, or pediculosis capitis, is caused by an infestation of head lice, peduculis humanus capitis. It is spread by direct head to head contact with an infected person. Transmission by bedding, clothing, or headgear is possible, though less common.
you can use rubbing alcohol, olive oil, listerine, mayonaise. or if you want a faster remedy even try flat ironing your hair close to the scalp. this will kill lice eggs and live lice.. proven! ive done this myself.. kill them faster that way and try not to waste your time by just skimming the top layers.. try and go by parting the hair into sections and going as close to the scalp as possible.. the result is fried lice and a happy you! :)
Usually not. You can see their eggs though. These are called nits - from which comes the expression nit-picking!
Yes, it is called google, which equals to 10100 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
i like moucse in dance
i like moucse in dance
kuto - lice lisa - lice egg kuyumid - mother lice uod - ordinary earthworm bulate - big worm
Adults are no bigger then a sesame seed.
Well a Head Louse doesn't get very big about 3 Millimeters
Head lice I think it is a big tinny bug
About 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch, approxmately the size of a sesame seed.
Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.
Well it depends. When a lice jumps onto your head, it lays eggs all through your head. They are tiny at first, but in at least 7 days they get bigger as the baby lice inside the egg grows. After 7 days, the nits, or "eggs" hatch. That will make the lice bugs tiny where you cannot even really see them.. after time the lice bugs grow bigger. More and more will lay eggs and continue to hatch if you don't treat them right away! I recommend RID or washing your hair in vinegar. It helped me, and I haven't had lice since then. I hope this helped.. :)
Lice Eggs and Lice Nits are usually mistaken as Dandruff and Dandruff is usually mistaken as Lice Eggs and Lice Nits
"Lice" is the plural form of "louse," so you should use "lice are" in a sentence. For example, "Lice are small parasitic insects."
no dogs can not get lice they can only get a different lice which is dog lice not head lice which humans get so basically no dogs can NOT get nits (lice)