Just multiply the numerator by the whole number, and keep the same denominator. After you do that, chances are that you'll have to simplify the fraction to a mixed number.
To simplify a whole number with a fraction, you first convert the whole number into a fraction by placing it over 1. Then, you find a common factor between the whole number and the numerator of the fraction and divide both by that factor. Finally, simplify the resulting fraction if possible by finding the greatest common divisor between the numerator and denominator and dividing both by that value.
You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.
You can simplify an improper fraction, unless the numbers are prime. Simplify it like how you would regularly, but don't forget that you can always turn it into a mixed number.
change the whole number to a fraction by putting it over 1. the improper fraction stays the same.ex:5/3 x 6=5/3 x 6/1
you keep the whole number the same then simplify the fraction
Just multiply the numerator by the whole number, and keep the same denominator. After you do that, chances are that you'll have to simplify the fraction to a mixed number.
To simplify a whole number with a fraction, you first convert the whole number into a fraction by placing it over 1. Then, you find a common factor between the whole number and the numerator of the fraction and divide both by that factor. Finally, simplify the resulting fraction if possible by finding the greatest common divisor between the numerator and denominator and dividing both by that value.
You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.
You can simplify an improper fraction, unless the numbers are prime. Simplify it like how you would regularly, but don't forget that you can always turn it into a mixed number.
Simplify them.
change the whole number to a fraction by putting it over 1. the improper fraction stays the same.ex:5/3 x 6=5/3 x 6/1
Whole numbers can't be simplified.
By ignoring the whole numbers. 1 and 6/8 = 1 and 3/4
You write it as a whole then put it over 10,000 and simplify it.
Invert the fraction, and multiply it by the whole number.
No, not in whole numbers, at least.