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Q: Could you live after being sawed in half?
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Will the worm live after being cut in half?

Yes it will

If your parents have 50 50 custody of you can you choose who to live with?

No, as each has you half the time. But, there are alternatives. They could live with you half the time. see link

Can a grasshopper live after being cut in half?

Yes but only for a short time

How much is in a half of weed?

It is a half ounce. It costs about $140. It could be less or more depending on where you live.

How long could a person usually live after a contracting the red death?

half an hour

What can happen from being physical bullied?

Suicide, depression or you could just live on with your live.

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How do you audition for a part of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince if you live in wales?

Go to wherever the auditions are being held.

What do you get if your husband willingly leaves the marital home?

What you receive depends on the state in which you live. You could be entitled to everything or you could be entitled to half of all marriage assets.

Can a man live without honor?

A man can physically live with out honor. Spiritually he could not. There has to be a drive, and a purpose for his life. The man has to live with some kind of pride. Not the selfish pride, but being proud of his family. He could also be proud of the hard work that he has done. he could also be proud of his religion. Being proud to be a christian, and knowing the love that his Savior has for him. If a man does not live with honor he will live a very sad life.

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