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Q: Deploying units having
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Deploying units having how many personnel or more?


Is the army uniform is digital uniform?

The ACU uniform adopted in 2005 is. The current Multi Cam uniforms being issued to units deploying to Afghanistan are not.

When is the multicam uniform fro the army going to be issued?

Units deploying to Afghanistan began receiving them in April 2010, IIRC. Special Forces and other select units had been acquiring them for some time prior to that.

Does the National Guard go to Iraq?

Yes. National Guard units are deploying both to Iraq and Afghanistan. Here in North Carolina, the NC National Guard just recently returned from Iraq, and my two deployments to Iraq have been with National Guard units.

How and when did Americans go to Vietnam?

For the common GI, "...we declared victory, and left." For the Nixon administration, we began re-deploying in 1969, units at a time (Divisions, Brigades, Regiments, etc). By 1973, we were OUT of country.

What is the defense department current policy on Stop Loss?

Stop Loss PoliciesThe following are the most common Stop Loss/Stop Movement (SL/SM) As. SL will continue to be addressed until the policy is no longer in effect as of 1 January 2010. Active Army (AA) units deploying on or after 1 January 2010 will not be subject to stop loss policies. Stop movement policies will remain in effect for all AA units deploying to participate in OIF and OEF.

What camo does the us army use right now?

The digital Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) is the norm, but units deploying to Afghanistan are being issued MultiCam. Special operations units still have the option to use M81 woodland or the three color desert camo when they feel it appropriate to do such.

What are some figures that have sixteen square units?

I presume you are asking for examples of geometric figures having an area of 16. OK. Here are some: A square 4 units on each side. A rectangle 2 units wide and 8 units long. A triangle with a base 4 units wide and having a height of 8 units.

What is the perimeter of 1000 width 2000 length?

The perimeter of a rectangle having 1,000 units of width and 2,000 units of length is 6,000 units

How many units is the proportion of letter l?

Proportion is defined as having a harmonious arrangement or having balance. When writing the letter I in capital letters there is only one line, so there would be no units of proportion.

Can slope and correlation be equal?

They can but the two are related when both are zero. Otherwise, it is like your weight and height having the same value (in some units).They can but the two are related when both are zero. Otherwise, it is like your weight and height having the same value (in some units).They can but the two are related when both are zero. Otherwise, it is like your weight and height having the same value (in some units).They can but the two are related when both are zero. Otherwise, it is like your weight and height having the same value (in some units).

How do you draw a triangle which has an area of 6 square units on an 8 X 8 grid?

You can't without having incomplete units.