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A million is 1*10^6. So 1.3*10^6 is nearer.

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8mo ago

To determine which number is closer to one million, we can compare their magnitudes. The magnitude of 1.2 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 5 is 1.2 million, which is 200,000 short of one million. On the other hand, the magnitude of 1.3 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 6 is 1.3 million, which is only 100,000 short of one million. Therefore, 1.3 10 raised to the power of six is closer to one million.

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Q: Determine whether 1.2 10 raise to the power of 5 or 1.3 10 raise to the power of six is closer to one million Explain?
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