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no, they can be any shape

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Q: Do a polygons have four sides an four angles?
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Why is a cube a polygon?

It is because a cube has four sides and four angles polygons have four sides and four angles.

What are convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles?

Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.

Quadrilaterals are polygons that have three sides?

Quadrilaterals are polygons with four sides. Triangles are polygons with three sides.

What are two regular polygons?

two polygons with sides that have all equal sides and angles

Does a polygon have more sides or angles why?

Polygons have an equal number of sides and angles.

Do polygons have more sides than angles?

They have the same amount of sides and angles

Are you able to classify polygons by their sides and angles?

Yes because polygons have 3 or more sides.

Does polygons with congruent sides have perpendicular angles?

no, they have congruent angles

Why do polygons usually have more sides than angles?

They don't... They have as many sides as angles

What polygons are irregular and regular?

Regular polygons are when all the sides are same length and all the angles are the same size. Irregular polygons are shapes where the sides are not all the same and the angles are different.

What is the same about a rectangle and a rhombus?

They are convex polygons. They have four sides. They have four vertices. Each pair of opposite sides is equal. Each pair of opposite angles is equal.

Why do polygons have more angles then sides?

They don't.