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Yes, in one form or another they all use math. Some use it much more than others, however.

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Q: Do all doctors have to use math?
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Related questions

How do doctors use math?

Different types of doctor use math in different ways. Some use it to calculate medication doses. Some doctors do research and need it for statistics. Other doctors look at amounts radiation patients get and that requires math too.

Is math used in beeing a doctor?

Yes, I am one and I use it all the time. When calculating doses of medications, doctors need math. There are many other examples, but the answer is a strong YES!

What type of doctor involves science and math?

I believe it is all doctors because everyone of them requires a math pre-requisite along with calculus

What occupations use math skills on a daily basis?

Most, if not all, occupations use Math to some degree. It is easy to presume that scientists, teachers, accountants, bankers, doctors, etc. would use math, but even store clerks have to count change back to customers, and shelf stockers have to calculate how many boxes or cans will fit within a defined area of space. The list of occupations that do not use Math, if any exist, would be much shorter.

Do all teachers use math?

I think they do. Most of the teachers I have use math. Almost everyone (including me!) uses math.

How do you use math as a teacher?

All teachers use math to figure out grades and percentages on papers

What is A math problem used by doctors?

Doctors use math daily: - measuring height and weight (percentages, ratios) - measuring blood pressure and heart rate (fractions) - measuring dosages of medications - measuring levels of blood, urine, saliva, or other samples

How is math applied to business?

Acountants use math all the time.

What Subjects Relates To Doctors?

Science And Math

What math tools do doctors use?

A calculator. Or just a PDA(what does pda mean). or even just a book. we need more info

What type of engineers use math and how?

All engineering specialties use math, in virtually every way imaginable.

What is the all math behind baking?

Baking requires a lot of math. you need to use math when you measure. if you have to convert anything that requires math.