

Best Answer
algebrai think it is the same because in maths we got shown a picture of some really old Egyptian algebra


All over the world mathematics is used in many fields: science, economy, ... (and mathematics too!). The power of mathematics is that it's the same everywhere, and scientists from far countries can understand perfectly each other, when "speaking" in a mathematical way.

We use to say that, differently from other subjects, mathematics gives always a single answer: for example, if you ask what politics is to two philosofers, they will probably give two different answers, according to their different opinions; if you ask what 1+1 is to twenty mathematicians (giving them all the parameters of the problem), the answer will be always the same. (This happens in physics too, since it is strongly connected with mathematics). The power of science is its validity (in space and time) and that no opinions are admitted, no matter who speaks... just facts!

And, to give a funny idea, here is a discussion i had with one of my friends (he studies mathematics, I study physics). I asked him why he was studying mathematics, and he told me: "If I studied literature, I could apply my knowledge only here, in Italy, but I wouldn't know anything about other literatures in the world. If I studied medicine, I could apply my knowledge only here, on Earth, but I wouldn't be able to cure aliens from other planets. If I studied physics, I could apply my knowledge only here, in our universe, but I wouldn't know the laws of other universes. So I am studying mathematics, and I can apply my knowledge here in my room as much as in another universe."

The funny thing is that he is right!

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