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Yes, definitely, in accounting you cannot have a calculator at your side at all times. You need to be able to do complex math problems without the help of a calculator. You also need to know how to use a calculator though, because you can and will have to be able to use one.

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Q: Do you have to be good in math for Accounting?
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Is accounting a good job?

Yes it is if you are good at math and like controling money.

What is the role of math in accounting?

accounting is basic math so you kind of need it to do accounting

Why would someone choose accounting as a profession?

Someone who is good with math and numbers would choose accounting as a profession

How much math is used in accounting?

Math is constantly used in accounting. In fact, math is used in accounting more than anything else. Without a strong background in math, you will not be able to be an accountant.

How is math related to accounting?

Math is related to accounting because they both pertain to numbers. Accounting deals with money amounts, which is a large part of math.

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What is the role of mathematics in accounting?

Accounting is all math. Money is numbers.

Why should people that are good in math be an accountant?

I don't think they should. They will get bored, since in accounting, you will use only very basic math most of the time.

What skills are needed for jobs in accounting?

The primary requirement is good math skills, attention to detail, a good memory and problem solving skills. Accounting jobs can also require people, computer and analytical skills.

What is a good job for someone who loves to remembers numbers and does it VERY well?

Accounting. Engineer. Anything with math really..

What majors are good for people who are good at and enjoy math besides accounting?

A number of post-secondary options are available to someone with a preference for math. Engineering, finance, economics, and computer science are some options.

Is corporate accounting a good career choice?

Corporate accounting is a good career choice because people will always be looking for someone to hire to help them with their finances. Corporate accounting is also a good career choice because those who are skilled in the subjects of math and business will find it to be a very fulfilling and enjoyable career.