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You have to pass one math course in high school to get your diploma when you graduate, but if you pass these courses and also take trigonometry, you will receive an advanced regents diploma. But it's definitely better to pass both and also trigonometry.

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Q: Do you have to pass both in algebra and geometry?
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I was in Chemistry last year and we used something called stoichiometry, which uses both algebra and geometry.

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You can get through many aspects of geometry without pre-algebra or algebra. However, when it comes to the measurement in geometry, you need algebra for that.

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Algebra and Geometry are not related to each other directly, however in higher levels of math (Trigonometry and Calculus) you will use both very frequently

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It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

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Algebra. I took it in that order, and to do most of the geometry, you HAVE to know algebra. If I had taken geometry first, I would have failed. ALGEBRA FIRST.

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It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

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it goes algebra 1, geometry, then algebra 2

Is linear algebra the same as geometry?

No, geometry is more depth into algebra, with formulas and shapes. That's why algebra is a prerequisite

Which mathematician applied algebra to geometry?

Rene Descartes was the mathematician that applied algebra to geometry.

What is after Algebra 1?

usually geometry or algebra II there is another math after Algebra besides Geometry. its called Applied Geometry. the only reason to be in that class is by getting a D.

What is the mix of geometry and algebra?

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