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Q: Do you have to take a break if you only work 7 hours a day?
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Can your employer make you take a break if you are only scheduled 5.5 hours?

Usually for every 4 hours that you work they must give you a 15 minute break. Also, you're usually paid for this so just take it. Depending on your work environment, you can probably shorten your break time yourself by staying a few extra minutes and coming back a few minutes early as well.

If you work 5 hours are you entitled to a break?

You work 5 hours a week and expect a break!

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Most deck cadets will work between 7 and 8 hours daily. They will work for 4 hours, take a 1 hour break and then work for 3 or 4 more hours.

Are employers required to give employee breaks during a 8 hour work day?

yea, either 8 or 10 but pretty sure your suppose to get a 10min or half hour break (depending on what you want)

If someone works for 6 hours are they entitled to a 30 minute break to do they need to work 6.5 hours including the break?

If someone works for 6 or 6.5 hours, they are not entitled to a 30 minute break. They are entitled to a 30 minute break if they work 8 hours or more.

How long does an employee have to work before legally being allowed to get a break?

I work at a restaurant and can be on my feet nonstop for hours on end, like 4 or 5, and when I sit down for a second because my back or feet need a rest I get yelled at. I can work all day, eat on the go while standing and finish my shift of over 8 hours on the average and never be allowed to sit. Is this legal?

Are you entitled to a smoking break at work?

I have just looked this up and apparently by law, Employers only have to provide a break every 6 hours, which is usually done as a lunch break. So they do not HAVE to give a smoke break. I have just looked this up and apparently by law, Employers only have to provide a break every 6 hours, which is usually done as a lunch break. So they do not HAVE to give a smoke break.

Work 5 hours do you get a break?

Yes, 30mins.

I work 14 hrs a day why the company doesn't let me take a break?

Right now I work 0 hours a day. If you're complaining, I'll trade with you.

How long does it take for Allegra to work on a dog?

It should only take a few hours for Allegra to work on a dog!:D what kind of question is that!:D

I work 4 hours a day can i have a tea break?

Well 8 hours work a day entitles you to an hour lunch so I don't see why 4 hours couldn't give you half an hour break

If im working from 11 am till around 4 pm around 5 hours is it all right for your employer to take an hour out of your pay for lunch?

Only if you did take an hour off work for a lunch break is your employer is entitled to deduct it from your paid time.