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Q: Do you need any modification of equation the frictional loss is to be considered?
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What is the losses of three phase induction motors?

Iron Loss Copper Loss Frictional loss

Why machine parts oil occasionally?

to reduce the energy loss due to frictional force.

What is windage loss of motor?

Windage loss is essentially frictional losses acting on rotating members due to air resistance.

What is frictional loss?

The energy lost through friction as a fluid flows through a pipe. The amount of energy lost is dependent on both the characteristics of the fluid (viscosity, density) and the pipe (roughness, diameter, length) as well as the rate of flow.

Is it possible for a frictional force to increase the mechanical energy of a system?

No, a frictional force always acts opposite to the direction of motion and results in a loss of mechanical energy in a system due to heat generation. Frictional forces do not increase mechanical energy.

Which loss is not common between a transformer and rotating machines?

Frictional , rotating losses are not common to transformers and rotating machines. these are specific to rotating machines.

Do you need any modification of Eqn(1) when the frictional head loss is to be considered and (h) the conduit is not horizonal?

Steinmetz equation for iron loss?

The Steinmetz equation is used to calculate iron losses in electrical machines like transformers and motors. It takes into account both hysteresis and eddy current losses. The equation is given as P_loss = KfB_max^1.6*V^2.2, where P_loss is the iron loss, K is a constant, f is the frequency, B_max is the maximum magnetic flux density, and V is the volume of the iron core.

What is fentermina?

Fentermina is one of a class of weight loss miracles that bilk the desperate . There is no scientific indication that a pill will cause weight loss without modification of diet and activity level.

What equation below is synonymous with weight loss?

energy in = energy out

Why are entrepreneurs considered risk-takers?

Entrepreneurs can make either profit or loss from their venture. If the business is not going well, there will be loss, and this loss is considered as the risk.

Why doesn't the principle of mechanical energy conversation hold in situations when frictional forces are present?

Frictional forces result in the conversion of mechanical energy into heat energy. This transformation leads to a loss of mechanical energy in the system, causing the principle of mechanical energy conservation to not hold true in these situations.