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Q: Does Fewer dollars in the economy mean customers will spend less?
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How does the government benefits when theres good economy?

When the economy is good, most people have jobs and an income, so (1) they have money to spend and the government collects taxes on sales transaction; and (2) fewer people are applying for unemployment or welfare.

How do increases in government spending affect the economy?

It depends on what they spend on. If they spend on infrastructure for instance then more people end up being paid for goods and services, this in turn leads to more spending on other things as the money is spent making the economy more vibrant and at the same time improving the local economy to produce more efficiently. If government spending is increased in the military and on weapons very little of it will find its way back into the national economy and there will be even fewer advantages in future infrastructure .

How long would it take to spend a million dollars if you spend 5000 dollars a day?

200 days

If i spend over 50 dollars i will get a 20 percent disscount i spend 75 how much do i save?

You save 15 dollars.

How much do people spend on homes?

People tend to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on their houses'. But it depends on who the person is, like if your rich, you might spend thousands of dollars, and if you were poor you probably only spend 50 to 100 dollars at the most.

what should i spend with 100000000000000000000 dollars?

i need help what to spend with it

What to do if you have a hundred dollars?

spend it

What word means to officially spend tax dollars?

You can earmark or allocate tax dollars for future use, or you can spend them.

What is an Advantage of token economy?

The advantage of the token economy is that you learn to control how to spend your money.

How many days it take to spend ten thousand dollars if you spend twenty dollars a day?

roughly 500 days.

How much money will you spend with 20 dollars?

i whould spend 19

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Spend, Spend, Spend!! Spend your money to boost America's GDP and its economy. Increase the worth of your dollar.