1000 DAYS
ten thousand 1,000,000 / 100 = 10,000
Fifty thousand days or roughly 137 years.
1000 days. (less than 3 years)
1000 DAYS
ten thousand 1,000,000 / 100 = 10,000
Fifty thousand days or roughly 137 years.
Ten thousand
20 days
1000 days. (less than 3 years)
At least 50. Everything is electronic these days
The approximate cost for that model car is twenty eight to thirty thousand dollars.
200 days
Get a job.
1 million is 1000000 1 billion is 1000 million = 1000000000 = 10 to power 9 If you spend $1000 (10 to power 3) a day, a billion dollars will last you (10 to power 9) / (10 to power 3) = (10 to power 6) = 1000000 days. If you consider on an average that a year has 365 days then 1 billion dollars will last you (1000000/365) = 2739.7 years