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No. It uses continuous data.

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Not true. It can use either discrete or continuous data.

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Q: Does Scatter analysis use discrete data?
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Does Scatter Analysis use Continuous Data?

It can do but does not have to.

Does scatter analysis use data that is counted in six sigma?


What type of graph is best to use to show the relationship between sets of data?

Gráfico de dispersão: é útil para mostrar a relação entre duas variáveis contínuas e identificar padrões e tendências. Gráfico de barras: é útil para comparar diferentes conjuntos de dados ou mostrar a distribuição de uma variável categórica em relação a outra variável. Gráfico de linhas: é adequado para mostrar tendências ao longo do tempo ou em uma sequência de eventos. Gráfico de pizza: é útil para mostrar a proporção de diferentes categorias em relação ao total.

When do you use goodness of fit in statistical analysis?

statistical goodness of fit test used for categorical data to test if a sample of data came from a population with a specific distribution. It can be applied for discrete distributions.

What graphs are used to show discrete data?

Almost any kind of graph can be used to show discrete data: You can use a line graph (most economic data), a bar graph (demographics), a pictogram, a pie chart, a scatter plot, radar. Although 3-d charts can also be used, they are very poor at conveying information because of the difficulty in interpreting depth.

When would you use a line chart or scatter chart?

The scatter diagram is used when the data is in a "Raw state" or what is referred to as "Raw Data". Example 10, 20,10,50,90,80,56,70,70,

Do you use three sets of data to make a scatter plot?


Who uses statistical data analysis?

There are many people who use statistical data analysis. Scientists, websites, and companies are all use of statistical data analysis. This analysis is beneficial to the people that study it.

What kind of graph is use to show discrete data?

A bar graph shows discreet data, but other types can also.

Do scientist use graphs for qualitative data?

Most scientists prefer to use scatter plots.Qualitative data describes the situation and reaction in descriptive terms.Gurjot Singh Sodhi

What do they use the analysis step uses data from?


What are the 6 research methods that sociologists use to gather data?

The six research methods sociologists use to gather data are surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, content analysis, and existing data analysis.