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The scatter diagram is used when the data is in a "Raw state" or what is referred to as "Raw Data". Example 10, 20,10,50,90,80,56,70,70,

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Q: When would you use a line chart or scatter chart?
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If you want to know what temperature it is high or low what chart or graph would you use?

I would use a scatter plot - or a line chart.

When do you use a scatter chart?

Try the following link:When_would_you_use_a_line_chart_or_scatter_chart

What best describes a trendline?

It is a straight or curved lineon a chart that indicates the general pattern or direction of a time series data, so doing things like showing if sales are going up or down in general. They can show what is happening and help predict future trends. Businesses can use them to see what effects changes will make to their future development, like their profits.

Which chart type would be the best candidate to spot trends and extrapolate information based on reseach data?

That will depend on the type of data and what you are looking for. You could use a line chart but even a bar chart or a scatter graph. ----------- If these are time series data, and assuming that you have sufficient data, I would suggest calculating spectra as a way of identifying possible trends.

When looking for a mathematical relationship between two variables use?

line graph or a scatter plot.

Why would you use a line chart instead of a column chart?

You use a line chart to show changes over time, for the same value. The line goes up or down, depending on the change over time. A column chart is more commonly used to compare independent values.

What chart would you use to show the changes in the unemployment rate in the US during 2000-1008?

Line Chart

What chart do you use to chart trends over time?

A line chart.

What displays two sets of data on the same graph?

Almost any chart can be used. A circle or pie graph (use a circle and a concentric annulus), Clustered bar or columns, A scatter plot with different symbols A double line chart, Areas, etc

Would you please use scatter in a sentence?

I was told to scatter around the school.

What graph would best display data showing the percentage of time a student spends studying for their final exam?

i would use a bar chart or a line chart

What chart do you use to display height and weight?

a scatter plot you can put the weight on the X axies and the height on the Y axies