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Q: Does a cylinder or rectangle have more surface area?
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What is a cross section of a cylinder along its length called?

A cross section of a cylinder along its length is called a rectangle. When a cylinder is cut along its length, the resulting shape is a rectangle with a length equal to the circumference of the cylinder and a height equal to the height of the cylinder. The area of this rectangle represents the lateral surface area of the cylinder.

A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.15m-1 a right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.2m-1?

The sphere has a surface area-to-volume ratio of 0.15m^-1, which means it has a relatively low surface area compared to its volume. This indicates a more compact shape. On the other hand, the right circular cylinder with a ratio of 2.2m^-1 has a higher surface area compared to its volume, suggesting it is more elongated or spread out.

The length of a rectangle is 5 more then the width Find the perimeter and the area of the rectangle?

the length of a rectangle is 5 more then the width. Find the perimeter and the area of the rectangle

Does the diameter surface area and circumference affect the heat loss?

yes heat loss is affected by diameter, circumference and surface area. Heat loss depends on the surface area : volume ratio.......the larger this is the more heat is lost if a cylinder having the same volume but a different surface area...(therefre radius and circumference is different)........the cylinder having the larger surface area will loose heat fastest

What is the effect of a propane cylinder lying on it's side?

it is safer-- it has more surface area and thus is safer

What is the difference between a cylinder and a rectangle?

A cylinder is much easier and more enjoyable to place in one's anus.

Will the surface area of a cylinder increase more if you double the height or double the radius?

it will increase more if you double the radius because the dimensions multiply and the curved surface has less area to cover as its height decreases and width increases

What is the surface area of a cylinder is the circumference is 52?

You can't tell. It can be anything. A cylinder wth a circumference of 52 can have any length. It could be 0.001 long, or it could be 35 million long, or less, or more, or anything in between. All of these different cylinders could have the same circumference, but they all have different surface areas. The surface area is (circumference) x (length). So the surface area of your cylinder is 52 for every 1.0 unit it is long.

Why is the curved surface of cone not 2pi x r x l?

Because 2Pi x r x L is the curved surface of a cylinder. Clearly a cylinder have more surface area than a cone of same height and radius. The surface of the cone is Pi x r x S where S is the slope length, so the cylinder has approximately double the surface area (note S is longer than L).

How do you find the area of each cylinder to the nearest whole number?

The Area of a rectangle is LxW . The area of a circle is PI x RxR where R is the radius of the circle. The Circumference or distance around a circle is 2xPIxR. To find the surface area of a cylinder with radius R (the radius of the circles at the top and bottom) and Length L(how tall the cylinder is) you first find the area of the circles on the bottom and top - then add it to the area of the tube part. If you unwrap the tube, it becomes a rectangle with the width 2xPIxR (since it was wrapped around the circles on top and bottom), and the Length L( how tall it is) . So it will be 2 circles plus the rectangle. 2 (PIxRxR) + 2xPIxRxL. Then round it to the nearest whole number. If the number on the right side of the decimal point is 5 or more, round up to the next whole number otherwise leave it the same. Then drop the numbers on the right side of the decimal point.

What geometric shape is more efficient than rectangle for volume?

Because a rectangle is not three-dimensional it does not contain a volume but an area. A geometrical figure that is more efficient than a rectangle for area is a circle.