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Neither. It has just 1.

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Q: Does a kite have 2 lines of symmetry or 3 lines?
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How many lines of symmetry does a kite have?

A kite can have only one line of symmetry but it can also have 2 or 3. It depends what kite.

Hexagon that has 2 lines of symmetry?

It can do. It can have 0, 1, 2, 3 or 6 lines of symmetry.

Does any rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry whereas a square has 4 lines of symmetry

What figure has two lines of symmetry?

Equilateral Triangles (3 lines of symmetry)Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Any regular polygon (at least 5 lines of symmetry)

Is there a triangle with 2 lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle contains at least 2 lines of symmetry (it actually contains 3 lines of symmetry). An equilateral triangle is also radially symmetric.If the question is "Is there a triangle with exactly 2 lines lines of symmetry?", the answer is no.

How many lines of symmetry does a non-regular hexagon has?

It can have 1, 2 or 3 lines of symmetry.

Which triangle have two lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry whereas an isosceles triangle has 1 line of symmetry but normally no triangles have 2 lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have?

Squares, which are parallelograms, have four lines of symmetry. Rectangles have only two. Rhombi have two lines of symmetry. Generic parallelograms don't have any lines of symmetry.None normally unless it is in the shape of a rectangle in which case it will have 2 lines of symmetry

How do you show 3 lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry

Does a 4 by 3 inches rectangle have 1 line of symmetry?

The rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry

What is line of symmetry for the hexagon?

A hexagon can have 0, 1, 2, 3 or 6 lines of symmetry.

Does the letter H have 3 lines of symmetry?

No it doesn't "h" only has 2 lines of symmetry one horizontally and one vertically.