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Both kinds are available. Fahrenheit ones are usually used in homes, and Celsius

ones are usually used in hospitals and doctors' offices. But there's no rule.

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Q: Does a oral thermometer take temperature in celsius or Fahrenheit?
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How do you check oral temperature?

Oral thermometer

Why is body temperature can be measured by keeping thermometer under the tongue?

oral temperature oral temperature

What are the types of thermometer?

Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.

Is an oral temperature of 37.8 degrees high in a 52 year old woman?

As 37o Celsius is standard this is a bit high. Let's see. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 = 100.4o Fahrenheit =====================a bit high and indicative of some malaise, but not life threatening

If body tep is 98.7 in Celsius then what is in Fahrenheit?

If your body temperature is 98.7 degrees celsius then you have probably been poached or par broiled. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees. Oral temperature for the average human is 37 cel. or 98.6 F.

Can you measure soil temperatures with an oral thermometer?

Yes but it would need to be pretty warm soil. Normal oral temperature for a person is around 37 degrees Celsius/98 degrees Fahrenheit. If your oral temperature is above 40 °C /104 °F or lower than around 34 °C /94 °F you're probably dead. Oral thermometers only show around that range. A soil thermometer goes from 10 - 50 °C /15 - 120 °F and can be bought for around $5 US in Sears or other hardware store.

What is the temperature of a mouth?

The normal oral temperature is about 35-36 degrees Celsius and 96-98 degrees Fahrenheit. It is about a degree lower than central (rectal or tympanic) temperatures.

Is a rectal thermometer reading of 101 degrees equal to an oral thermometer reading of 101degrees?

No, a rectal thermometer reading is typically about 0.5 to 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than an oral thermometer reading. So a rectal thermometer reading of 101 degrees would roughly correspond to an oral thermometer reading of 100-100.5 degrees. It's important to use the same type of thermometer for consistent readings.

What are the ways of getting the body temperature?

oral thermometer rectal thermometer aural thermometer feeling the forehead with your hand

Different types of thermometers?

Celsius and Fahrenheit Thermometers Clinical Thermometers Ear (Tympanic) thermometers Pacifier Thermometers Underarm or Oral Thermometers Food Thermometers Outdoor Thermometers Mechanism of Different Types of Thermometers Mercury and Alcohol Thermometers Digital Thermometers Alcohol thermometer Beckmann differential thermometer Bi-metal mechanical thermometer Electrical resistance thermometer Galileo thermometer Infrared thermometer Liquid Crystal Thermometer Medical thermometer (e.g. oral thermometer, rectal thermometer, basal thermometer) Mercury-in-glass thermometer

Where do you stick the thermometer?

You should place the thermometer under your tongue for an accurate oral temperature reading.

Is 37.9 Celsius bad or good?

In Fahrenheit, yes. The normal body temperature (oral) is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees celsius.