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nope, only right/equilateral triangles do.

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Q: Does an acute triangle have any perpendicular sides?
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Are there any perpendicular lines in an acute triangle?


How many perpendicular sides does an equilateral triangle have?

An equilateral triangle doesn't have any perpendicular sides on it.

Does an equilateral triangle have any perpendicular sides?

no a equilateral triangle does not have any perpendicular sides because the lines are joined together.

How many parrellel sides does an acute triangle have?

None because no triangle has any parallel sides.

What triangle has 3 acute angles and 3 equal sides?

Any triangle that has three equals sides must have three acute angles and is equilateral.

What shapes have at least one pair of perpendicular sides?

Any shape, other than a triangle can have a pair of perpendicular sides.

What has no parallel sides and all your angles are acute?

No two sides of a triangle are ever parallel, and althoughit isn't required, a triangle can have all acute angles.That isn't possible for any shape with more than 3 sides.

What shape doesnt have any congruent sides and only acute angles?

A scalene triangle is one of them

What type of triangle have rational sides?

Any kind of triangle can have rational or irrational sides: acute angled, right angled or obtuse angled; equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

Does an equilateral have parallel or perpendicula?

We'd need to know the number of sides. An equilateral triangle won't have any parallel or perpendicular sides. An equilateral quadrilateral will have two pairs of parallel sides which may or may not be perpendicular.

How does a picture of a scalene acute triangle look like?

A scalene acute triangle is a triangle with all sides of different lengths and all angles less than 90 degrees. It does not have any equal sides or equal angles. Therefore, a picture of a scalene acute triangle would show three lines of different lengths connecting to form a triangle with three angles less than 90 degrees.

Is an scalene triangle an obtuse or an right triangle?

A scalene has three sides of unequal lengths, and all threes angles different.The largest angle defines the triangle¹:acute: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 9, 10right angle: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 8, 10obtuse: a scalene triangle could have sides 6, 7, 10So a scalene triangle could be any of acute, right angle or obtuse.¹In terms of acute, right angle or obtuse. Triangles can also be defined in terms of their sides: equilateral (all three sides equal), isosceles (two sides equals) or scalene (no sides equal)