The number is 243 because 243/243 = 1 and any number divided by itself is always equal to 1
The number being divided is the dividend, which is being divided by the divisor to equal the quotient. (dividend) ÷ (divisor) = (quotient)
The only number that can equal 80, no matter what you do to it, is 80.When 720 is divided by 9, the quotient is 80.
Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.
There are infinitely many divisions that will give the quotient of 19.
The number is 243 because 243/243 = 1 and any number divided by itself is always equal to 1
The number being divided is the dividend, which is being divided by the divisor to equal the quotient. (dividend) ÷ (divisor) = (quotient)
The only number that can equal 80, no matter what you do to it, is 80.When 720 is divided by 9, the quotient is 80.
Th number is 12*8 = 96
Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.
Think of it this many times can you divide a number by itself? The answer is always once. 4 divided by 4 equals 1. Using the number 4, 8 divided by 4 equals 2. In other words, 8 is equal to two 4s, right? But one 4 is always one 4.
That quotient would be an imaginary number. The actual number depends on exactly what imaginary number you divide the 7 by.
If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.
The result will always be an odd number.
That would be the numerator. The numerator is above the denominator. The numerator divided by the denominator would be equal to the quotient. So, numerator/denominator = quotient