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Q: Does every differential equation have a real solution?
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How many real solutions does a cubic equation have?

A cubic has from 1 to 3 real solutions. The fact that every cubic equation with real coefficients has at least 1 real solution comes from the intermediate value theorem. The discriminant of the equation tells you how many roots there are.

If the discriminant of an equation is positive.What is true of the equation?

The equation has two real solutions.

What are the Uses of Cauchy Euler equation?

One thing about math is that sometimes the challenge of solving a difficult problem is more rewarding than even it's application to the "real" world. And the applications lead to other applications and new problems come up with other interesting solutions and on and on... But... The Cauchy-Euler equation comes up a lot when you try to solve differential equations (the Cauchy-Euler equation is an ordinary differential equation, but more complex partial differential equations can be decomposed to ordinary differential equations); differential equations are used extensively by engineers and scientists to describe, predict, and manipulate real-world scenarios and problems. Specifically, the Cauchy-Euler equation comes up when the solution to the problem is of the form of a power - that is the variable raised to a real power. Specific cases involving equilibrium phenomena - like heat energy through a bar or electromagnetics often rely on partial differential equations (Laplace's Equation, or the Helmholtz equation, for example), and there are cases of these which can be separated into the Cauchy-Euler equation.

What are the applications of differential equations?

Many real world problems can be represented by first order differential equation. Some applications of differential equation are radio-active decay and carbon dating, population growth and decay, warming/cooling law and draining a tank.

Is it possible for a quadratic equation to have no real solution give examle ansd explain?

Is it possible for a quadratic equation to have no real solution? please give an example and explain. Thank you

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation equals zero what is true of the equation?

It has one real solution.

What does the math term 'no solution' mean?

There is no real answer to the equation given.

If the discriminant is positive the equation has solution s?

two real

What is true of an equation if its discriminant is zero?

it has one real solution

What is the result if the equation has a solution that is all real numbers?

The result is all real numbers.

What are the compex roots in mathematics?

The complex roots of an equation is any solution to that equation which cannot be expressed in terms of real numbers. For example, the equation 0 = x² + 5 does not have any solution in real numbers. But in complex numbers, it has solutions.

Why would any solution to a quadriac equation not be used in real life?

Because there is no such thing as a quadriac equation and so there cannot be a solution to it and so there is nothing that could have been used in real life!