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Q: Does every number have atleast 2 factors?
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Why is every whole number a multiple and factor of itself?

every number except has atleast 2 factors

What is even numbers with two factors?

That is actually impossible. This is because every number has two factors ( the number itslef and 1) . If a number is even there will be one more factor, that is 2. So an even number has to have atleast 3 factors.

What 2 numbers goes into every number?

1 and the number itself. They are factors of every number. ex. 1 and 2 are factors of 2. Just as 1 and 71 are factors of 71.

What is a whole number that has two or more factors?

every number has 2 or more factors

Every number with factors of 10 also must have factors of?

5, 2, and 1, are all going to be factors with and number that 10 is a factor of.

How many prime factorizations does every number have?

Every prime number has exactly 2 factors, 1 and the number itself.

Is 12 an odd number or an even number?

12 is an even number and it is also a composite number because it has more than two factors

What number has factors 2 and 3?

6 and every one of its multiples has.

Are every even number has at least two factors?

Every even number but 2. Even numbers have 2 as a factor (by definition), so higher even numbers can be separated into two factors, 2 and some other number. For example, 6 = 2 x 3.

What two factors are common to every even number?

1 and 2 are common factors to even numbers

Can an even number be prime?

For a number to be prime, it must have factors, or numbers that go into it, other than 1 and itself. Since 2 goes into every even number, almost every even number is prime. One exception: the number 2. This is because two's only factors are 2 and 1.

What has morn than 2 factors?

Every composite (non-prime) number has.