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would it take the same amount of energy to pump water 1 foot up and 25 inches over as it would to go 400 miles over and 1 foot up? Unless you are under frictionless conditions, no.

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Q: Does it take the same force to pump water vertically to x feet as it does up a slope to the same height?
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Related questions

What force moves water in a stream?

Gravity and the slope of the land combine to create the force that moves water in a stream. Gravity pulls the water downhill, and the slope of the land determines the direction and speed of the flow.

How much force is needed to displace 1500 pounds of water?

The force needed to displace 1500 pounds of water depends on whether you are trying to displace it vertically or horizontally. To displace 1500 pounds of water vertically (lifting it), you would need a force of 1500 pounds. If you are displacing it horizontally (pushing it), the force needed would depend on the resistance of the water and the method being used.

What is the relationship the steepness of the slope and the speed of the water?

The steeper the slope, the faster the water will flow downhill due to gravity pulling it more strongly. A steeper slope provides a greater force that propels the water downstream at a higher velocity.

Why doesn't water in a bucket fall when it is vertically rotated?

The water doesn't fall out of a vertically rotating bucket due to inertia and centripetal force. The inertia of the water causes it to continue moving in a straight line while the bucket moves around it, and the centripetal force generated by the bucket's motion keeps the water contained within the bucket.

How does water move on a slope and why does it move in that direction?

Water moves downhill on a slope due to gravity, creating a force that pulls it in that direction. The slope provides a pathway for the water to flow, with the steeper the slope, the faster the water moves. Additionally, the surface tension of water allows it to cling together and form streams or rivulets as it flows downhill.

What force allows water to arrive at your house from the water treatment plant?

The hydraulic force of water allows water to be transported in the pipes. Hydraulic force from the water treatment plant is used to pump the water vertically across the underground pipes. Then, another hydraulic force pumps the water from underground to the storey that you are living in horizontally up.

Why does needle sink when placed vertically in water but does not when placed horizontally?

When a needle is placed vertically in water, the force of gravity acting on the denser needle overcomes the buoyant force pushing it up, causing it to sink. However, when placed horizontally, the buoyant force acting on the needle is greater than its weight, allowing it to float due to surface tension and the needle's low surface area in contact with the water.

When water moves down through the ground what force is acting against it?

The force of gravity is acting against the downward movement of water through the ground, exerting a force opposite to the direction of the water flow. This force is responsible for pulling the water downwards and can be influenced by factors such as slope and permeability of the soil.

The force that pulls everything downward causeing rain and soil to run down a slope?

Gravity is the force that pulls everything downward, causing rain and soil to run down a slope. This gravitational force is responsible for the movement of water and soil on Earth's surface.

Why is there no horizontal buoyant force on a submerged in water?

In a submerged object in water, the buoyant force acts vertically upwards opposite to gravity. This is because the pressure exerted by water increases with depth, leading to a net upward force on the object. There is no horizontal buoyant force because water pressure is isotropic, meaning it acts equally from all directions in a horizontal plane.

How do you expect a steeper slope to affect the water's speed?

A steeper slope would increase the speed of the water because gravity would exert a stronger force on the water, causing it to flow downhill faster. This increased velocity would result in a more rapid flow of water.

What factors affect the force of flowing water?

The force of flowing water is affected by factors such as the velocity of the water, the volume of water flow, the density of the water, and the slope of the surface over which it is flowing. These factors collectively determine the kinetic energy of the water, which influences its force and ability to erode or transport materials.