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The length of your foot should but not on everyone. The average person's foot measures up.

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Q: Does the length of your foot measure up to the length of your wrist to your elbow?
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How big is the human foot?

The length from your wrist to your inside elbow

The distance between your wrist and your elbow is equal to the length of what part of your body?

It is approximately equal the length of your foot, if measured from the crease of your elbow to the crease of the wrist with your arm straight down

What are examples of things you can measure in feet?

A foot is a unit of distance about the length from your wrist to your elbow. Anything you can measure can be expressed in feet. If it is smaller than your arm or longer than a portion of a mile then I would probably choose a different measurement.

What is the distance from your elbow to your wrist?

I have researched this with an open survey and i have found out that in 87 out of 117 cases, the length of the foot was the same as the distance from the point of the elbow to the outer part of the wrist.

What part of the body is the same length as the foot?

The well known myth is: the inside of your forearm... from your wrist line to the inside of your elbow. However this is not a universal rule, I know this as my foot is bigger.

How long is a humans arm?

It's different for every person. The length of a person's forearm (elbow to wrist) is always equal to the total length of their foot, but again it is different for every person.

How can you tell your foot size without looking at your foot?

its the same size from your elbow to your wrist. LOL

How many cubit make one foot?

This depends on the person measuring. A cubit is the distance from one's elbow to his or her wrist.

Things that are a foot long?

Well, there is a ruler, a foot long sub from subway, for some people, the length across your wrist, and your elbow.

How long are giaraffe's toungs?

Giraffes can have tongues that are about 45-50 centimeters long. The longest giraffe tongue is about 53 centimeters long.

How many ounces in a foot?

None. Ounce is a measure of weight and Foot is a measure of length.

English measure of length equivalent to 12 inches?

A foot is the English measure of length that is equivalent to 12 inches.