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might be concave

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Q: Does the letters a c d f m x have special names as polygons?
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Is a divided by b c?

No, not necessarily. In theory you can assign different names to variables, and it doesn't always follow that they are alphabetical. So a divided by b could be x or t or n or any letter you like. Equally, you could use different letters in the initial calculation resulting in c, so x divided by y could be c. Having said that, letters used are commonly used in sequence, so a divided by b = c would be common. Having a, b and c together or x, y and z together is common. In certain situations though, certain letters are given special designations as in the famous E = mc² equation.

What is the measure of A B C?

All the letters together is the fast 3 letters

What does c equal in roman letters?


How many four-letter arrangements can be made of the letters a c e f and h if there is repetition of letters?

There are 5 letters: a c e f and h.If the letters can be repeated, then there are five possibilities for each space in the four-letter arrangement. The number of arrangements then is:5*5*5*5 = 54 = 625.

Prove that intersection of two convex polgons is a convex as well?

I will prove a more general theorem from which your answer follows immediately. Theorem: The intersection of any number (including 2) of convex polygons is convex.ProofLet C be the intersection of Ci which is a set of iconvex polygons. By definition of intersection, if two points A and B belong to C then they belong to every one of the Ci . But the convexity of each of the Ci tells us that line segment AB is contained in Ci . Therefore, the line segment AB is in C and because ABwas arbitrary we conclude that C is convex

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What letters that names the nucleotide molecules start with?

A c t g

Which two country's names have four letters and begin with c?

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letters, digits, special characters and white spaces

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What is a true statement about polygons?

Polygons are two dimensional shapes that have three or more sides.

Three bird names that start witha a c and have at least five letters?

crane, chickadee, cardinal

What fish names start with c and have 5 letters?

Coley is a type of fish. It is similar to cod.

When looking at a jazz sheet of music what do the letters C f etc above the staff stand for?

They are probably the names of the chords to be played i.e. C = C major.

Which countries have only five letters in their names and begin with k and c?

The Congo and Kenya, both African countries

What four letter girl's name begins with a C?

Cora and Cali are girl names. They contain four letters.

What three letters do the names of sugars often end with?

"OSE" glucOSE fructOSE sucrOSE