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Q: Does the mass of an object always stay the same?
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Why does mass of an object stay the same on earth?

The mass of an object remains constant on Earth because mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and this does not change based on the location or environment. Gravity affects weight, not mass, so an object's mass will stay the same regardless of where it is on Earth.

Does your mass increase decrease or stay the same if you so to Saturn?

Your mass will stay the same regardless of your location in the universe. Mass is a fundamental property of an object and does not change with location.

Does the object on earth have the same mass as on the moon?

The most important thing is that mass is not the same as weight.Mass is the same everywhere in the universe; it refers to how much stuff a thing is made of.Weight is the measurement of gravity on an object. So when gravity changes, weight changes. However, mass will always stay the same.Weight will be less on the moon.Mass is the same no matter where the object is!

Will density always stay the same no matter what size the object is?

Density of the substance will always stay the same. Density of the object will also stay the same if solid, no matter the size, but not if it is carved out. That is why a steel boat can float

Does you mass always stay the same no matter what?

Yes, no gas is given off, therefore the mass of conversation will stay the same.

Does mass always stay the same?

The mass of an object can be subtracted or added. For example, with water, you can just add more to have a larger mass. With ice, you can just chop off a portion to lessen its mass. Though, if you take a piece of paper and crumple it up, the mass will stay the same. It just depends on the context of the situation.

If your mass is 68 kg on earth your mass on mars would be?

Your mass would stay the same. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, so your mass would stay at 68kg.

What would happen to your mass if you went to a planet with less gravity?

Your mass will stay the same. Mass is always the same no matter what.

Does the speed stay same no matters what mass?

That depends on the situation. If the object is moving freely in a vacuum, the speed stays the same. If an object is accelerating, the speed change depends in part, on the mass of the object.

When the object's weight changes with gravity does the mass stays the same?

Of course the objects mass will not change. Since there is no gravity in space(moon), only the objects weight will change.No matter where the object the mass will stay the same!

What will stay the same mass or volume?

In most cases, mass will stay the same regardless of changes in volume. Mass is the amount of matter in an object and does not change unless matter is added or removed. Volume, on the other hand, can change as the amount of space an object occupies can increase or decrease.

If an object is melted does the mass stay the same?

Yes, the mass of an object remains the same when it is melted, as mass is a conserved quantity in physical processes like melting. The atoms or molecules that make up the object may change their arrangement or state, but the total mass remains constant.