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Q: Does the residual plot show that the line of best fit is appropriate for the data?
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What does it mean to say that data point has a residual of one?

The point lies 1 unit below the regression line.

What does it mean to say that a data point has a residual of zero?

If a data point has a residual of zero, it means that the observed value of the data point matches the value predicted by the regression model. In other words, there is no difference between the actual value and the predicted value for that data point.

What would be an appropriate scale for a line graph displaying data?

A title.

What does it mean to say that a data point has a residual of negative one?

The point lies one unit below the regression line.

What is a straight line that best fits the data on the coordinate plane?

The straight line that best fits the data on a coordinate plane is the Line Of Best Fit.

When is line diagram more appropriate than a frequency polygon?

For ungrouped data.

What do the x's on a line plot means?

They are the data points, plotted on the appropriate coordinates!

What graph would be best for a quantity that changes frequently from month to month?

Depending on how long the data set is, a bar chart or a line chart may be appropriate.

What does it mean to say that a data point has a residual of -1?

The point lies 1 unit below the regression line.

Why does best fit line does not touch all data points?

Because the "best fit" line is usually required to be a straight line, but the data points are not all on one straight line. (If they were, then the best-fit line would be a real no-brainer.)

What if your data doesn't graph into a straight line?

If your data doesn't graph into a straight line, it may suggest a nonlinear relationship between the variables. In such cases, you can try fitting a curve or using a different type of regression analysis, such as polynomial regression or exponential regression, to better capture the underlying relationship in your data. It's important to choose the appropriate model that best fits your data and the underlying theory.

A line that best fits the data points on a scatter plot?

A straight line which best describes the data on a scatter plot is called a "line of best fit". The line could pass through some of the points, all of them, or none of them.