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They both give you exactly the same value. However, in some cases solving a problem using both methods is very difficult.

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Q: Does the washer method and cylindrical shells method both give you a relatively same value of volume?
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How do you find the volume of cylindrical object?

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A cylindrical tower with a diameter of 10 feet and a height of 30 feet has a volume of: 2,360 cubic feet.

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The atomic volume of an element is the volume occupied by one mole of atoms of that element. It is not a commonly reported property for elements, but generally, atomic volume tends to increase down a group in the periodic table due to the addition of more electron shells.

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The volume of the cylindrical barrel would decrease since the volume of a cylinder is directly proportional to its height. The volume would decrease by a factor of 9/16, since volume is calculated by multiplying the base area (πr^2) by the height.

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