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Q: Earth has a radius of 6371 kilometers and the moon has a radius of 1737 kilometers. How many times larger is eath's volume than the moon's volume?
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Mars is much larger than earth true or false?

False. In volume, Mars is 0.15 times the volume of earth. Mars' radius is roughly half of Earth's radius.

What is the radius of earth in kilometers?

The radius of Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

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The diameter of the earth is 12,742 kilometers with a volume of 1.08321 E12 cubic kilometers. The sun has a volume of 1.41 E18 cubic kilometers. This means that the sun is about 1,300,000 times the size of the earth.

How much is jupiter is bigger than earth?

Jupiter is more than 1000 times bigger than earth.

What is Earth and radius in kilometers What is Earth and radius in miles (1 kilometer 0.62 miles)?

The Earth's radius is approximately 6,371 kilometers and 3,959 miles.

How is earth smaller than Mars?

Mars has a smaller radius and volume compared to Earth, which makes it physically smaller. Earth is about 53% larger in radius and 15% larger in volume than Mars.

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Ceres has an average radius of about 470 kilometers; Earth's radius is about 6371 kilometers.

How many earth can Jupiter accommodate if the radius of Jupiter is 11 times the radius of the earth?

Jupiter's volume is about 1,321 times greater than that of Earth due to its larger radius. Therefore, Jupiter could accommodate about 1,321 Earths within its volume.

What is Venus' radius as compared to the Earth's?

Venus has a radius of about 6,052 kilometers, which is about 95% of Earth's radius.

Is the core 1 percent of the Earth's volume?

No. The combined thickness of the inner and outer core is about 3500 to 3520 kilometers, out of the Earth's total radius of about 6370 kilometers. This means that the combination of inner solid core and liquid outer core has about 16% of the Earth's volume. *The reference to "1% of the Earth's volume" may refer to the Earth's crust, which has about "1% of the Earth's total mass."

How many kilometers to the center of the earth?

That would be the radius of the earth which is:6,378.1 kilometers

If radius of mars is 3397km how many times larger is the earth?

Earth's radius is about 6,371 km, so Earth's radius is approximately 1.88 times larger than Mars.