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Work=force*displacement=(588.6 N)(1.2 m)=706.32 which is about 700 J for sig figs

displacement=1.2 m

force (needs to equal gravity so it can counteract gravity)=m g=(60kg)(9.81 m/s^2)=588.6 N

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Q: Efe lifted a bag of rice 60kg on to a flat surface 1.2m vertically above the ground in 240 seconds calculate the work done?
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How did human beings know that the earth was a sphere before the use of satellites?

Some very wise man noticed that the shadow cast from a stick placed vertically in the ground was a different angle at exactly noon than the angle of shadow cast at exactly noon from a vertically placed stick in the ground at a location further north. By employing mathematics, he was able to deduce that the earth is in fact, roundish.

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

A rock is dropped from a height of 60 m and is in a free fall what is the velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground 3.5 seconds later?

After 3.5 seconds of free-fall on or near the surface of the Earth, (ignoring effectsof air resistance), the vertical speed of an object starting from rest isg T = 3.5 g = 3.5 x 9.8 = 34.3 meters per second.With no initial horizontal component, the direction of such an object's velocitywhen it hits the ground is straight down.

A rock is thrown vertically from the ground with a velocity of 24 meters per second and it reaches a height of 2 plus 24t - 4.9t2 after t seconds Round your answers to the nearest hundredth?

The question has no answer.This sort of question is based on the assumption that gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2 (downwards). In that case, if the rock is projected from the ground its height at time t is 24t - 4.9t^2. It cannot be greater than that unless air resistance is negative!

How can a ball be thrown that it reaches the longest distance across vertically horizontally angled?

if the bal is thrown by making 45 degree angles. with the will travel maximum distance...

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How far did the car fall vertically from the bridge to the ground?

To determine how far the car fell vertically from the bridge to the ground you would need to know how far the bridge roadway is from the ground.

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The velocity of the penny as it hits the ground can be calculated using the equation: velocity = distance/time. Assuming the penny falls vertically, if we take the distance it falls to be 9.8 m/s^2 x (4.5 s)^2 / 2 ≈ 99.22 meters and the time is 4.5 seconds, the velocity would be 99.22 meters / 4.5 seconds = 22.04 m/s.

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Because a box has 6 faces, the "front surface" is not detailed enough. If you are referring to the surface perpendicular to the ground and is facing you, then you simply multiply the height of the box by the edge of the base on the front surface.

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Surface waves are caused by the interaction between seismic waves and the Earth's surface. These waves travel along the Earth's crust and can cause the ground to shake horizontally and vertically. Surface waves are typically the most destructive type of seismic waves during an earthquake.

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without the rest of that problem, we can't even give you a formula to calculate your answer

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The answer depends on whether the ball is thrown vertically upwards or downwards. That critical piece of information is not provided!

Is the volleyball net height measured from the ground up?

Yes!! Since the ground is a solid surface, it is relatively easy to anchor the "zero" of the measuring tape to that surface. Then the tape can be extended vertically directly next to the net, and the height of the net can be viewed (standing on a ladder) without touching the net. If you tryo to anchor the "zero" to the top of the net and measure down to the ground, there is a very good chance that the top of the net will be pulled downward, and its actual height will be inaccurate.