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You could set up a proportion to solve this problem. Proportions are often expressed as fractions. You can assume that emmanuel will run at approximately the same pace. You know that emmanuel can run 200 meters in 30 seconds, so that will be one side of the proportion. Convert that into a fraction, and that becomes 200/30. You need to keep the sides of the proportion even, and so you would make the second side be 800/x when x=the number of seconds it will take him. You now have the equation 200/30=800/x. If you cross-multiply you get 24000=200x. Divide both sides by 200 to get 120 seconds. That's your answer!

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Q: Emmanuel can run 200 meters in 30 seconds if he completes in the 800 meter race about how many seconds will it take him to run the race?
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