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About 365.5 meters a minute.

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Q: What is the average speed of a runner who completes a 1500 meter race in 4 minutes 10 seconds?
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What is the average speed of a runner who completes a 10000 meter race in 25 minutes?

400 mph

A runner completes a 400m race in 43.9 seconds in a 100m race he finishes in 10.4 seconds in which race was his speed faster?

he completes it in 69.9 seconds

What is the average velocity of a runner who completes one lap of a 400m track in 75s?

The average velocity of a runner who completes one lap of a 400m track in 75 seconds is 5.33 m/s. This is calculated by dividing the distance traveled (400m) by the time taken (75s).

What is the average speed of a runner running a 1500 m race in 3 minutes 49.67 seconds?

The average speed of the runner is 1500m/(180 + 49.67) seconds = 6.531 m/s or 13 knots.

How long will it take to run a 10K race for a runner whose average pace is 7.15 mph?

52 minutes 8.58 seconds.

What is the average momentum of a kg runner who covers a distance of M in A seconds?

The average momentum of a runner can be calculated by dividing the mass (in kg) of the runner by the time taken to cover the distance (in seconds). This gives the average momentum of the runner during that time period.

If a runner runs a mile in 4 minutes 30 seconds how fast were they running in MPH?

If a runner runs a mile in 4 minutes 30 seconds he is averaging 13.33 MPH over the total distance.

If a runner runs a mile in 8 minutes 30 seconds how fast were they running in MPH?


A runner travels 3 kilometers in 30 minutes. What is the speed of the runner?

Assuming the runner maintains his average speed for an hour, 3 kilometres in 30 minutes is equal to 6 kilometres per hour.

If a runner runs a mile in 3.71 minutes seconds how fast were they running in MPH?

Approx 16.17 mph.

A runner ran 2 miles in 12 minutes and 23 seconds how many inches did they run?

126,720 of them.

Two runners finished a race in 80 seconds another runner finished the race in 72 seconds and the final runner finished in 68 seconds The average of these times is?

Since two runners finished in 80 seconds, the average of 80, 80, 72, and 68 must be found. This average is ? seconds. ANS IS 75No it is 73.333333 actually It's 75 even. Add all Four times Divide by four and you have you average.