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Q: Explain the meaning behind As you grow to understand life less and less you learn to love it more and more?
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Whats the difference between comprehend and understand?

The meaning of comprehend is to understand something completely. The meaning to understand is to learn or interpret something in a particular way.

How too learn English?

understand what you are reading,and try to find the meaning of the words you dont understand

Why you need to learn English for modern technology?

i want to learn modern technology to understand whats the meaning of it

How do you understand idioms?

Idioms are expressions that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words used. To understand idioms, it helps to consider the context in which they are used and recognize the intended meaning behind them. Learning about the cultural background and usage of idiomatic expressions can also improve understanding.

How do you say learned in spanish?

entiendes meaning to understand or aprenda meaning to learn or even aprendido learnt but Docto is never used meaning learned.

What does Liberty without learning is always in peril learning without liberty is always in vain mean?

It means that if you are free, but you don't understand your freedom or the reasons behind it, that the freedom could be easily lost. If you understand freedom and the reasons behind it, but are not free, then your learning is pointless and leads nowhere. I don't agree with the statement wholeheartedly, but there are some good points.If you have liberty but don't learn, then you're liberty is in PERIL (meaning Imminent danger. Exposure to the risk of harm or loss)And if you learn but have no liberty its in VEIN (meaning having no real value or significance; worthless, empty, idle, hollow, etc)

How could one learn about the electronics behind a cell phone?

There are many user made videos on you tube that explain how a cell phone works. Many of them are really good. Another great site to learn about electronics is how stuff works.

What are the four major components of GUI. Explain the functioning of any one component?

This is a homework assignment not a question, WikiAnswers will not do your homework for you because you need to learn how to research this yourself. If you have specific questions relating to this assignment that you do not understand, WikiAnswers will be happy to answer/explain these for you.

Horse can learn human speech?

Horses can learn to recognise certain words, but not understand the meaning. I.e if you called Dinner at each dinner time, the horse would learn to associate this word with dinner. Horses learn through repitition so it would take a while.

How does writing a summary help you with your reading and writing?

Here are some ways that summary writing can help:anything you learn makes you smarter!you learn how to pick out the important facts and eventsyou learn how to explain those importances to others in a logical wayyou learn how to communicate betteryou learn how to improve your own writing by comparing it to the other work

How do people understand signs?

they learn it...

How do you prepare for studying?

I like to be very comfortable. I wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt or something equally comfortable. Next, I mentally prepare. I pretend that I have to teach or explain what I am learning to someone else. I also try to understand why I need to learn the material, that way I am motivated to learn.