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the karma-sutra gives creepy old man boners

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Q: Explain the relactionship of statistics with other sciences?
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What other sciences have been responsible for the development of statistics?

What other sciences have been responsible for the development of statistics?

Constributions of chemistry to other sciences?

chemistry contributes many things in other sciences in which it explain about the chemical changes that occurs in such processes or reactions of chemicals to other chemical. X-tian_hiRyu_a. JhOy21

Is Economics an isolated science since it has no relation to other sciences?

Economics is strongly linked to finance, and makes use of mathematics and statistics, so I do not see how it can be isolated.

What is the relationship between political science and natural sciences?

Firstly, political science is not a natural science, so it bears a weaker relationship than other natural sciences. Political science draws on some of the methods (e.g.) mathematics and statistics) and philosophies (e.g.) positivism) from the natural sciences but, for the most part, relies on its own counterparts.

What is the relationship of history to other sciences?

relation of history to other sciences

What is the difference between statistics and applied statistics, and how are they used in real-world scenarios?

Statistics is the study of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Applied statistics, on the other hand, involves using statistical methods and techniques to solve real-world problems in various fields such as business, healthcare, and social sciences. In real-world scenarios, statistics is used to summarize and make sense of data, while applied statistics is used to make informed decisions and predictions based on that data.

How is political science similar to other sciences?

Political science, like other sciences, uses systematic methods to analyze and explain phenomena. It relies on empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks to make sense of political behavior and institutions. Additionally, political science strives to generate knowledge that is objective and generalizable, just like other scientific disciplines.

Is breadmold earth science life science or physical science?

The study of bread mold would fall into the Life Sciences, because it entails the study of living things (in this case, a mold). biology and zoology are examples of Life Sciences. The Earth Sciences study the mechanisms of Earth (and other planets); two examples of Earth Sciences are geology and atmospheric sciences. The Physical Sciences explain phenomena that result from the physical interactions between objects, particles, and energy. Two examples of physical sciences are physics and chemistry.

Are physics or other sciences required to obtain a bachelor's degree?

Generally speaking, in US colleges and universities, courses in physics or some other science is not required for a bachelor of arts degree in the social sciences such as history or even in majors such as English or philosophy. A bachelor's degree in science, meaning a bachelor's degree is Physics, a B.S. must require many credits in various hard sciences and in mathematics. With some majors, however, such as economics, then mathematics and statistics courses will normally be required to pass and receive a degree. The aforementioned courses are considered to be sciences.

What it means by math is the queen of the sciences?

All other exact sciences are based on math.

What is comparison between political science to other social sciences?

both are human sciences.

Types of statistics?

There are two types of statistics. One is called descriptive statistics and the other is inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is when you use numbers. Inferential statistics is when you draw conclusions or make predictions.