There is no specific formula for measure - in statistics or any other branch of mathematics.
Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out a set of numbers are from each other. It has a variety of uses in statistics.
Look up the formula in a book of elementary statistics or on the web. The browser that we are required to use is not suitable for providing an answer.
Find the likelihood of events whose outcomes include an element of uncertainty, or to find the measure of uncertainty in the outcome of events.
Look up the formula in a statistics text book or on the web and use that. This browser is not really up to displaying statistical formulae.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
Businesses use statistics in order to learn about their customers. Managers measure customer satisfaction by using statistics. They can then use this information to improve their current position.
The mean is called a non-resistant measure in statistics.
Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out a set of numbers are from each other. It has a variety of uses in statistics.
For US measure, use this formula: US gallons x 3.785 = litersFor UK measure, use this formula: UK gallons x 4.546 = liters
Look up the formula in a book of elementary statistics or on the web. The browser that we are required to use is not suitable for providing an answer.
Differential statistics are statistics that use calculus. Normally statistics would use algebra but differential statistics uses calculus instead of algebra.
In that case, you don't measure it - you calculate it. Use the formula: force = mass x acceleration
Crime is committed, and the numbers that measure it are collected, analyzed and become statistics.
Find the likelihood of events whose outcomes include an element of uncertainty, or to find the measure of uncertainty in the outcome of events.
I suggest you measure the DVDs radius (or measure its diameter and divide that by 2). Then you can use the formula for the area of a circle.
(x value) - average
Look up the formula in a statistics text book or on the web and use that. This browser is not really up to displaying statistical formulae.