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Q: Explain why the term bell curve is appropriate for a graph of a normal distribution of traits?
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explain five traits in the entrepreneurial ventures.

What does phenotypic distribution look like?

Phenotypic distribution refers to the range of observable traits within a population. It typically follows a bell-shaped curve, showing a central tendency around the average trait value with fewer individuals exhibiting extreme traits on either end. This distribution can vary depending on genetic and environmental factors influencing the traits being observed.

How does the distribution of traits in a population look when displayed as a graph?

The term you are probably looking for is a Bell curve, which is a Gaussian distribution.

Was the distribution of human traits been frozen for the past 2 centuries?

No, human traits have not been frozen for the past 2 centuries. Evolution is an ongoing process influenced by various factors including natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental changes, which can lead to changes in the distribution of traits over time.

How did the work of Mendel help explain inheritance of traits?

because of punjabi

What can Gregor Mendel work can be summed up in?

A table showing the distribution of inheritance traits down the generations.

What type of distribution curve can be seen with polygenic inheritance?

A bell-shaped curve (normal distribution) can be seen with polygenic inheritance, where phenotypic traits are influenced by the combined effects of multiple genes. This results in a continuous range of phenotypic expression, with most individuals clustering around the mean value.

Explain how the inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms Use the term genes and alleles in you explanation?

The most dominant traits are the ones that control organisms genes.

What is phenotype frequency?

A ratio of individuals with a particular phenotype to the total number of individuals in the population. Individuals with certain phenotype --------------------------------------------------- (Over) Total # of individuals within the population The distribution of traits in a population

How do you teach children gratitude?

Modeling traits and manners you wish to instill in children is a very appropriate approach.

What personality traits start N?

Nice, naughty, normal, nappy, nasty.

Character traits that start with the letter n?

nice naughty normal naive