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Q: When environmental conditions favor individuals at one extreme of the normal distribution?
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What types od individuals in a population are represented by the two ends of a bell curve?

The individuals with extreme variations of a trait.

What is selective distribution?

Selective distribution is a type of retail strategy. It involves making specific items for sale only to specific geographical markets.

Distinguish between selective distribution and exclusive distribution?

Selective distribution involves a producer using a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to sell products. An advantage of this approach is that the producer can choose the most appropriate or best-performing outlets and focus effort (e.g. training) on them. Selective distribution works best when consumers are prepared to "shop around" - in other words - they have a preference for a particular brand or price and will search out the outlets that supply.Exclusive distribution is an extreme form of selective distribution in which only one wholesaler, retailer or distributor is used in a specific geographical area.

What is a z-score used for?

The z-score is used to convert a variable with a Gaussian [Normal] distribution with mean m and standard error s to a variable with a standard normal distribution. Since the latter is tabulated, the probability of an outcome as extreme or more compared to the one observed is easily obtained.

Why is the standard deviation of a distribution of means smaller than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived?

The reason the standard deviation of a distribution of means is smaller than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived is actually quite logical. Keep in mind that standard deviation is the square root of variance. Variance is quite simply an expression of the variation among values in the population. Each of the means within the distribution of means is comprised of a sample of values taken randomly from the population. While it is possible for a random sample of multiple values to have come from one extreme or the other of the population distribution, it is unlikely. Generally, each sample will consist of some values on the lower end of the distribution, some from the higher end, and most from near the middle. In most cases, the values (both extremes and middle values) within each sample will balance out and average out to somewhere toward the middle of the population distribution. So the mean of each sample is likely to be close to the mean of the population and unlikely to be extreme in either direction. Because the majority of the means in a distribution of means will fall closer to the population mean than many of the individual values in the population, there is less variation among the distribution of means than among individual values in the population from which it was derived. Because there is less variation, the variance is lower, and thus, the square root of the variance - the standard deviation of the distribution of means - is less than the standard deviation of the population from which it was derived.

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Directional selection is shown on a graph as selection against an extreme. This occurs when individuals at one extreme of a trait distribution have lower fitness than individuals with intermediate phenotypes or those at the opposite extreme. Over time, this can lead to a shift in the average phenotype of a population.

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Yes, some bacteria are capable of surviving in extreme weather conditions such as extreme heat or cold. These bacteria have developed adaptations that allow them to resist harsh environmental conditions, such as forming spores or producing protective proteins.

A bell curve indicates in a trait?

A bell curve indicates the distribution of a trait or variable in a population, where most individuals fall near the average (peak of the curve) and fewer individuals are at the extreme ends (tails) of the distribution. It shows that the majority of individuals possess the trait in a typical or average level.

A long period of inactivity where organisms survive unfavorable environmental conditions?

This is known as dormancy. Organisms enter a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy until conditions improve. Dormancy is a way for organisms to survive during periods of harsh environmental conditions such as extreme cold or drought.

What type of selection always results in the narrowing of the bell curve distribution of alleles?

Directional selection always results in the narrowing of the bell curve distribution of alleles. This occurs when individuals at one extreme of the phenotypic range have a higher fitness, causing the frequency of the alleles associated with that extreme to increase in the population over time.

What are the adaptations of an extremophile?

Extremophiles have adaptations that allow them to survive in extreme environments, such as high temperatures, acidity, or salinity. These adaptations may include unique protein structures that can function in extreme conditions, specialized membrane structures to protect against environmental stress, and mechanisms to repair DNA damage caused by harsh conditions. Additionally, extremophiles may have metabolic pathways that allow them to thrive in specific extreme environments.

When was Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses created?

Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses was created on 1992-03-21.

What is selecting pressure?

Just the various types of environmental conditions that impinge on the organism. The environment is the natural selector and some environments have extreme conditions that " pressure " the variants in a population so that adaptive change is engendered in that population.

How is distribution and warehousing is affected by environmental issues?

Distribution and warehousing can be affected by environmental issues through regulations on emissions, waste management, and land use. Companies may need to implement sustainable practices, such as reducing carbon footprint, using renewable energy sources, and minimizing waste generation, to comply with environmental regulations and reduce their impact on the environment. Additionally, disruptions caused by extreme weather events or natural disasters can impact distribution and warehousing operations by causing delays or damages to inventory.

What is the opposite of biosphere?

The opposite of biosphere is abiosphere, which refers to areas devoid of life such as deserts, glaciers, or areas with extreme environmental conditions where life cannot exist.

What factors influence epigenetics?

Extreme environmental conditions influence epigenetics. There are certain chemical compounds adhering to the genetic material but not altering the DNA sequence during conditions of stress to the organism. For example proline protects the plants from wilting during conditions of drought.