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You can only draw one straight line through any two given points.

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Q: Explain why you can draw a continuous linear function if you only know two ordered pairs?
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Why you can draw a continuous linear function if you only know two ordered pairs?

A continuous linear function produces a straight line graph that can be extended indefinitely in either direction. If the two ordered pairs are plotted on a graph then a straight line can be drawn joining these points. If that line is extended beyond both ends then there are no set limits and the function becomes continuous.

How do you draw a continuous linear decreasing function?

A continuous linear decreasing function is a line that goes on forever and has a negative slope (is downhill from left to right). For example, the line y = -x is a continuous linear decreasing function.

What is a function that forms a line when graphed called?

It is a continuous function. If the line is a straight line, it is a linear function.

Are all continuous functions linear?

Not at all.Y = x2 is a continuous function.

What quadrant contains no point for the linear function that includes the ordered pairs Zero comma four and One comma negative one?

graph the ordered pairs (4, -2) AND (1, -1) AND CONNECT TO FORM A line. Which quadrant contains no point for this linear function? Explain your answer

What are the similarities between quadratic function and linear function?

Both are polynomials. They are continuous and are differentiable.

What similarities and differences do you see between the function and linear equations?

Linear equations are a tiny subset of functions. Linear equations are simple, continuous functions.

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Is a linear graph considered to be a continuous graph?

It can be continuous or discrete.

Explain the details of Linear Demand function equation?

Linear Cost Function A linear cost functionexpresses cost as a linear function of the number of items. In other words, C = mx + bHere, C is the total cost, and x is the number of items. In this context, the slope m is called the marginal cost and b is called the fixed cost.

What is discrete and continuous in math?

These terms describe functions.A continuous function looks like a straight line or a curve, depending on if it is linear or quadratic.A discrete function looks like dots on a number line, only covering the integers, instead of numbers in between.

What is a continuous group?

A group has group operations. If these operations are continuous, it is called a continuos group. Addition of the real numbers under addition with the linear topology is one example. If I apply the discrete topology to any group, I can make it continuous. Note: we need continuous function and inverse!