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Q: Express as a ratio the difference in the rates of bubble production at 10 cm and at 50 cm?
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What is the average manhour of pipe weld per inch dia?

There is no answer. There are to many factors to generate an accurate response. When estimating, your best bet is to refer to similar jobs that your company and employees have completed. Those production rates will be the most accurate. When quantifying weld per inch Dia. Given varying degrees of environmental restrictions, wall thickness, procedure, pipe type and size, the hang over that your crew has from the night before and the rest of the equation it is difficult to determine what production rates will be. My recommendation is to use previous proven production rates and work on improving the management coordination, material and equipment supply and communication to the crew. if focus is given in these areas a substantial increase in previously realized production rates will be seen.

Why are birth and death rates so different between the US and developing nations in Africa and Asia?

simply because of the difference of the literacy level between both of them.........................................................

What is difference between crude rate and specific rates?

Crude rates are rates calculated and applied for the entire population disregarding any categories such as gender or age. E.g. crude birth rate calculates the total number of births in a year over the total population including men, women and all children (provided they were not born that year).Specific rates are rates calculated considering categories or subgroups. E.g. birth rate calculates the total number of births in a year over the total number of women of child-bearing age.

What is difference between pronatalist and antinatalist population policy?

A pronatalist policy encourages couples to have more children, therefore increasing fertility and birth rates (eg. France). However the anti natalist policy attempts to reduce birth rates to decrease the country's population (eg. China)

Why death rates tend to fall before birth rates?

Birth rates rise as death rates fall?

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What are the American Express exchange rates?

American express exchange rates can change from time to time. It is recommended that one contact American Express directly for the current exchange rates offered.

What benefits does american express give its customers?

American Express gives various benefits to customers. With American Express, you can get reduced travel rates, cash back, and low interest rates.

How have bank mortgage rates changed since the housing bubble has burst?

Since the housing bubble burst, bank mortgage rates and decreased. This makes it more affordable for people to get a loan and be able to purchase a house.

What is the benefits of american express personal?

The biggest benefit of an American Express Personal account is the high interest rate you receive. Their rates are among the highest and most competitive in the area of interest rates on accounts.

What are the salaries and pay rates in filmmaking?

Depending on the status of the film -- pre-production, production, post-production -- and the task served, there may be union guidelines for pay minimums. Otherwise pay rates are generally negotiable, depending on the project.

What is express life insurance?

There exists an Express Life Insurance Company in Great Britain. It touts itself as offering "low rates".

What are the average interest rates on a American express credit card?

The average interest rate for American Express credit cards is 14.83%. Interest rates can vary from person to person based on their credit rating. Sometimes American Express even runs promotions where they have zero interest for a full year!

What are the going rates at Holiday Inn Express?

The going rates at Holiday Inn Express hotels varies depending on where the hotel is located and when the stay is to occur. It is always however, a lower price than most of the leading hotel chains.

What is the difference between mortality rates and death rates?

mortality rate - Death Rate

What kind of rates does Federal Express offer for international parcel delivery?

The rates that Federal Express charges for international parcel delivery vary, depeding on where the parcel is heading to, and how heavy it is. The rates range from $ 113.59 for a 10 kg parcel going to Canada, to $649.27 for a 25 kg parcel heading to China.

Technical Training Management monitors which rates?

entry, production, and elimination

Where can one find the shipping rates of DHL?

The shipping rates of DHL can be found at the DHL express website itself. The site gives all the information about the DHL shipping rates and much more.