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Q: F the volume of a cube is increased by a factor of 8 what is the change i?
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If the volume of a ube is increased by factor of 8 what is the change in the length of the sides of the cube?

It is doubled.

How do the volumes of the cube compare to each other?

Side = 3 units, volume = 27 cu units, side = 6 units, volume = 216 cu units. The side is increased by a factor of 2 and the volume is increased by a factor of 8, ie 23 If the side were increased by a factor of 3, we would thus expect the volume to increase by a factor of 33 ie 27, so: side 9 units, volume 729 cu units which is indeed 27 x 27. To summarise: the volume increases by the cube of the factor by which the side increases.

What is the volume of a cube if each edge is doubled?

The volume of a cube is proportional to the cube of its edge.If the edge is doubled, the volume increases by a factor of (2)3 = 8

What is the difference in the volume of a cube when of its sides is doubled?

The volume is increased 8 times

If you double the dimensions of a cube by what factor will its volume increase?

The volume will increase by a factor of 8. A cube that is 2 inches on all sides has a volume of 8 cubic inches. Double it to 4 inches and the volume increases to 64 cubic inches. Double it again and the volume increases to 512 cubic inches. Each time the volume has increased by a factor of 8. It is no coincidence that double is the same as 2 times and that 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

How is the volume of a cube affected if the dimensions of the cube are tripled?

Volume is proportional to the cube (3rd power) of the linear dimensions.If the side of the cube is tripled, the volume increasesby a factor of (3)3 = 27 .

How much greater is the volume of a cube when the length of each edge is multiplied by 5?

Sample A: cube of side 2, volume 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 Sample B: cube of side 10, volume 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 Volume has increased by a factor of 125 ie 53 which is what we would expect.

What happens to the volume of a cube when the dimension of each side are doubled?

The volume is increased by eight times !

What if pressure is applied to a cube until its volume is half of its original volume what will its new density be?

If pressure is applied to a cube until its volume is halved, the density will increase by a factor of 2, since density is equal to mass divided by volume. As the volume decreases by half, the mass of the cube remains the same, leading to a doubling of density.

If the volume of a sphere decreases by a factor of 27 what happens to its diameter?

The volume of a sphere is 4/3 pi R3, which shows that volume is proportional to the cube of the linear dimension. Alternatively, the linear dimension is proportional to the cube-root of the volume.If volume decreases by a factor of 27, diameter decreases by a factor of (cube-root of 27) = 3. Diameter becomes 1/3rd the original diameter.

What is the critical relationship between cell volume and surface area?

The volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, but the area, only to the square of the diameter. For example, if you double the diameter, the area will increase by a factor of 4, and the volume, by a factor of 8. Thus, the area/volume ratio will worsen, by a factor of 2.The volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, but the area, only to the square of the diameter. For example, if you double the diameter, the area will increase by a factor of 4, and the volume, by a factor of 8. Thus, the area/volume ratio will worsen, by a factor of 2.The volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, but the area, only to the square of the diameter. For example, if you double the diameter, the area will increase by a factor of 4, and the volume, by a factor of 8. Thus, the area/volume ratio will worsen, by a factor of 2.The volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, but the area, only to the square of the diameter. For example, if you double the diameter, the area will increase by a factor of 4, and the volume, by a factor of 8. Thus, the area/volume ratio will worsen, by a factor of 2.

Increasing the side length of a cube by a factor of 2 increases the volume by a factor of?

8... apex :)