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(2a + b)(2c + d)

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Q: Factor 4ac plus 2ad plus 2bc plus bd?
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What is the factor to 4ac plus 2ad plus 2bc plus bd?

(2a + b)(2c + d)

Factor this expression 4ac plus 2ad plus 2bc plus bd?

4ac + 2ad + 2bc +bd = 2a*(2c + d) + b*(2c + d) = (2c + d)*(2a + b)

How do you factor this expression 4ac plus 2ad plus 2bc plus bd?

(2a + b)(2c + d).

Factor this expression check by multiplying factors.4ac plus 2ad plus 2bc plus 4bd?

ac + 2ad + 2bc + 4bd = a(c + 2d) + 2b(c + 2d) = (a + 2b)(c + 2d) Now expand to confirm your answer: c(a + 2b) + 2d(a + 2b) = ac + 2bc + 2ad + 4bd ≡ ac + 2ad + 2bc + 4bd

What does 4ac 2ad 2bc bd factor into?

(2a + b)(2c + d)

How do you factor 6x2-13x plus 15?

It cannot be factored because the discriminant of b2-4ac is less than zero.

How do you factor the expression 3x to the power of 2 plus 48x plus 192?

3x^2+48x+192=3(x^2+16x+62). You can factor the part in the parentheses using the quadratic formula: x= (-b[+-]Sqrt[b^2-4ac])/(2a).

What is a x squared plus b x plus c equals 0?

x = (-b (+/-) root( b2 - 4ac)) / 2a Sorry about the messy answer, there are no square root symbols or plus-minus symbols. Here is the proof - ax2 + bx + c = 0 --------> multiply by 4a 4a2x2 + 4abx + 4ac = 0 4a2x2 + 4abx = -4ac ----------> add b2 to both sides 4a2x2 + 4abx + b2 = b2 - 4ac -----------> factorise LHS (2ax + b)2 = b2 - 4ac 2ax + b = (+/-) root( b2 - 4ac) 2ax = -b (+/-) root( b2 - 4ac) x = (-b (+/-) root( b2 - 4ac)) / 2a Maths works people.

How do you factor 5t2 plus 20t plus 20?

This is a basic quadratic function. The easiest way to go about this is by using the quadratic formula.a=5 ; b=20 ; c=20-b + or - root (b2-4ac) all over 2a.

B2 -4ac in the quadratic equation ax2 plus bx plus c equals 0?

Full equation is (-b +/- sqrt(b2 - 4ac))/2a. Try it with x2 - 2x - 3, where a = 1, b = -2 and c = -3...

2x² plus 5x plus 3 equals 0 find the discrimant?

Discriminant = (b2-4ac) = (25 - 4x2x3) = 1

Does X2 plus 7x plus 18 equals factor?

X^2 + 7X + 18 = 0 try the discriminant b^2 - 4ac 7^2 - 4(1)(18) 49 - 72 < 0 so, no real roots and no factors of 18 add to 7