To figure out the quantity of concrete, you will need to calculate the total length, width and depth in inches. There are online calculators available which can easily compute the total amount needed.
a variable
Yes, it is.
Scalar quantity is when you have a magnitude but no direction such as speed
well a proportion compares part of a quanity to the whole quanity called the base using a percentprobabiltyis the cahnce of an event happening for example like getting a puppy that is a simple event
Finte is the opposite of infinite, finite is a known quanity that has an ending quanity
lawyers use percents when figureing out prices and taxes of houses
Figureing it out still.
a platform is a raised surface so an oppisite will be like a street, sidewalk,or concreet ground.
a variable
a standard
It is a kilogram.
In science mol/L
'Force' is a vecter quanity.
a variable
Yes, it is.