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Q: Find the number of permutations of n objects when arranged (n and ndash 1) at a time for any positive integer n.?
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What is An arrangement of n objects in a specific order?

An arrangement of n objects in a specific order is called a permutation. Permutations refer to all possible ways in which a set of objects can be ordered or arranged.

How do you find permutation?

If there are n objects and you have to choose r objects then the number of permutations is (n!)/((n-r)!). For circular permutations if you have n objects then the number of circular permutations is (n-1)!

The number of permutations of n objects taken all together is?

The number of permutations of n objects taken all together is n!.

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How many ways can 9 books be arranged on a shelf so that 5 of the books are always together?

You can simplify the problem by considering it as two different problems. The first involves consider the five-book chunk as a single book, and calculating the permutations there. The second involves the permutations of the books within the five-book block. Multiplying these together gives you the total permutations. Permutations of five objects is 5!, five gives 5!, so the total permutations are: 5!5! = 5*5*4*4*3*3*2*2 = 263252 = 14,400 permutations

How do you do permutations with repeating symbols?

Suppose you have n objects and within those, there arem1 objects of kind 1m2 objects of kind 2and so on.Then the number of permutations of the n objects is n!/[m1!* m2!...]For example, permutations of the word "banana"n = 6there are 3 "a"s so m1 = 3there are 2 "n"s so m2 = 2therefore, the number of permutations = 6!/(3!*2!) = 720/(3*2) = 120.

How can you find the number of permutations of a set of objects?

If there are n different objects, the number of permutations is factorial n which is also written as n! and is equal to 1*2*3*...*(n-1)*n.

What is the formula for finding permutations?

The number of permutations of r objects selected from n different objects is nPr = n!/(n-r)! where n! denotes 1*2*3*,,,*n and also, 0! = 1

Does the number of permutations always exceed the number of combinations?

No. The number of permutations or combinations of 0 objects out of n is always 1. The number of permutations or combinations of 1 object out of n is always n. Otherwise, yes.

What is the number of distinguishable permutations?

The formula for finding the number of distinguishable permutations is: N! -------------------- (n1!)(n2!)...(nk!) where N is the amount of objects, k of which are unique.

What is the permutation of 5?

Permutations are the different arrangements of any number of objects. When we arrange some objects in different orders, we obtain different permutations.Therefore, you can't say "What is the permutation of 5?". To calculate permutations, one has to get the following details:The total number of objects (n) (necessary)The number of objects taken at a time (r) (necessary)Any special conditions mentioned in the question (optional).

How do you calculate distinguishable permutations?

The number of permutations of n distinct objects is n! = 1*2*3* ... *n. If a set contains n objects, but k of them are identical (non-distinguishable), then the number of distinct permutations is n!/k!. If the n objects contains j of them of one type, k of another, then there are n!/(j!*k!). The above pattern can be extended. For example, to calculate the number of distinct permutations of the letters of "statistics": Total number of letters: 10 Number of s: 3 Number of t: 3 Number of i: 2 So the answer is 10!/(3!*3!*2!) = 50400