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Q: Fire Instructor III test questions
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When was Ring of Fire III created?

Ring of Fire III was created in 2011-07.

When was Breath of Fire III created?

Breath of Fire III was created on 1997-09-11.

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Ring of Fire III is by Eric Flint. The mass market paperback is 736 pages. The hardcover has 512 pages.

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The Test - 1913 III was released on: USA: 18 January 1913

How strong is M16?

Proven to be stronger than v ak47 so SERIOUSLY strong good fire rate aswell if better with 3 round burst if u getthis reply III III III III III III Thats da fire rate

What are the release dates for The Test - 2013 III?

The Test - 2013 III was released on: USA: 10 April 2013 (DVD premiere)

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The Test - 2010 III was released on: USA: 8 October 2010 (video premiere)

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What is the best way to shoot from a m16?

Well probably a three round burst as its more accurate and dont fire to da sky, yh the 3 round burst III III III III III III III III III III III III

What are the release dates for The Test - 2009 III?

The Test - 2009 III was released on: USA: 4 April 2009 (Los Angeles, California)