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To get the answer, divide 14 by 25, which will give you .56. You then subtract that from 1.0, and the answer is .44, or 44 %.

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Q: Flip a coin 25 times and out of the 25 times the coin landed on heads 14 times what percent of the flips landed on heads?
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Tommy flips a coin four times How many ways can he get three heads and one tail?

There are 4 ways to get 3 heads and 1 tail for 4 coin flips. They are: THHH, HTHH, HHTH & HHHT.

A coin is tossed 60 times It landed on heads 21 times what is the experimental probability of getting heads?


You flip the same coin 75 times Amazingly the first 74 flips all come up heads How probable is it that this is not a fair coin?

Highly probable - APEX :)

What is the probability of getting heads on all 3 times if flips coin 4 times?

If a coin is flipped 4 times, the probability of getting 3 heads is: 4C3 (1/2)^3 (1/2)^1 = 4(1/8)(1/2) = 4/16 = 1/4

Out of 60 flips how many times does a coin land on heads?

The reason that coin-flipping came to be used as a fair mechanism for making decisions is that the chance of either outcome is assumed to be 50%, so each participant is willing to trust the fate of his personal preference to the supposedly unbiased coin.In reality, since the material in a coin is not symmetrically distributed, the probability of the two possible outcomes is not exactly equal, though I don't remember which way it leans statistically.In any case, let's say that you have a fair, honest, balanced coin, with odds of exactly 50-50. That tells you that if you flipped the coin an infinite number of times, half would land on heads and half would land on tails. You still could not predict what the outcome of 60 flips would be. Even if the first 59 all landed on heads, the probability on the 60th toss would still be 50-50.

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Hose flips a coin 50 times and it landed on heads 20 times how many times can she expects to land on tails?

30 times because it landed on heads 20 times, but he flipped the coin 50 times. 20+30=50.

Arnold flipped a coin twice and it landed heads up both times If he flips the coin again What is the probability the coin will land heads up?

The correct answer is 1/2. The first two flips do not affect the likelihood that the third flip will be heads (that is, the coin has no "memory" of the previous flips). If you flipped it 100 times and it came up heads each time, the probability of heads on the 101st try would still be 1/2. (Although, if you flipped it 100 times and it came up heads all 100 times - the odds of which are 2^100, or roughly 1 in 1,267,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - you should begin to wonder about whether it's a fair coin!). If you were instead asking "What is the probability of flipping a coin three times and having it land on "heads" all three times, then the answer is 1/8.

Maria flips a dime four times What is the probability that she will get at least two heads?

It is 0.6875

Tommy flips a coin four times How many ways can he get three heads and one tail?

There are 4 ways to get 3 heads and 1 tail for 4 coin flips. They are: THHH, HTHH, HHTH & HHHT.

A coin is tossed 60 times It landed on heads 21 times what is the experimental probability of getting heads?


What is the probabilty that a coin will land on heads if flipped 8 times?

This is a probability question. Probabilities are calculated with this simple equation: Chances of Success / [Chances of Success + Chances of Failure (or Total Chances)] If I flip a coin, there is one chance that it will land on heads and one chance it will land on tails. If success = landing on heads, then: Chances of Success = 1 Chances of Failure = 1 Total Chances = 2 Thus the probability that a coin will land on heads on one flip is 1/2 = .5 = 50 percent. (Note that probability can never be higher than 100 percent. If you get greater than 100 you did the problem incorrectly) Your question is unclear whether you mean the probability that a coin will land on head on any of 8 flips or all of 8 flips. To calculate either you could write out all the possible outcomes of the flips (for example: heads-heads-tails-tails-heads-tails-heads-heads) but that would take forvever. Luckily, because the outcome of one coin flip does not affect the next flip you can calculate the total probability my multiplying the probabilities of each individual outcome. For example: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = Prob. Flip 1 is Heads * Prob. Flip 2 is Heads * Prob. Flip 3 is Heads...and so on Since we know that the probability of getting heads on any one flips is .5: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 (or .58) Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .00391 or .391 percent. The probability that you will flip a heads on any of flips is similar, but instead of thinking about what is the possiblity of success, it is easier to approach it in another way. The is only one case where you will not a heads on any coin toss. That is if every outcome was tails. The probability of that occurring is the same as the probability of getting a heads on every toss because the probability of getting a heads or tails on any one toss is 50 percent. (If this does not make sense redo the problem above with tails instead of heads and see if your answer changes.) However this is the probability of FAILURE not success. This is where another probability formula comes into play: Probability of Success + Probability of Failure = 1 We know the probability of failure in this case is .00391 so: Probability of Success + .00391 = 1 Probability of Success = .9961 or 99.61 percent. Therefore, the probability of flipping a heads at least once during 8 coin flips is 99.61 percent. The probability of flipping a heads every time during 8 coin flips is .391 percent.

In a probability experiment Eric flipped a coin 36 times. The coin landed on heads 24 times. What is the ratio of heads to tails in this experiment?

2 to 1

What is the probability of getting heads more than once if you flip a coin three times?

For 3 coin flips: 87% chance of getting heads at least once 25% chance of getting heads twice 13% chance of getting heads all three times

If you flip a a coin 20 times what is the probability that the coin will land on heads?

There is a fifty percent chance of the coin landing on "heads" each time it is flipped.However, flipping a coin 20 times virtually guarantees that it will land on "heads" at least once in that twenty times. (99.9999046325684 percent chance)You can see this by considering two coin flips. Here are the possibilities:Heads, heads.Heads, tails.Tails, tails.Tails, heads.You will note in the tossing of the coin twice that while each flip is fifty/fifty, that for the two flip series, there are three ways that it has heads come up at least once, and only one way in which heads does not come up.In other words, while it is a fifty percent chance for heads each time, it is a seventy five percent chance of seeing it be heads once if you are flipping twice.If you wish to know the odds of it not being heads in a twenty time flip, you would multiply .5 times .5 times .5...twenty times total. Or .5 to the twentieth power.That works out to a 99.9999046325684 percent chance of it coming up heads at least once in the twenty times of it being flipped.

What is the probabity of obtaining three heads?

On a fair 50-50 coin, the chance of you getting heads 3 times in a row is .5 * .5 * .5 which is 12.5% Getting exactly 3 heads out of any number of coin flips involves: (Number of Flips!/ [6 * (N-3)!]) * (.5^3)* (.5^(n-3))

If a coin is tossed 8 times what is the probability that it will land on heads exactly four times?

You can use a tree diagram or a binomial: I choose a binomial: 8!/(4! * 4!) * .5^4 * .5 ^ 4 70 ways 8 flips can end in 4 v 4, * chance of 4 heads, * chance of 4 tails = .2734375 ~ 27.34 percent.

Can someone give me one interesting fact about probability?

If you have tossed a fair, balanced coin 100 times and it has landed on HEADS 100 consecutive times, the probability of tossing HEADS on the next toss is 50%.