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Many ideas of mathematics began to form. During this time frame people began to see math as important and so many thinkers spent time trying to solve the worlds problems using math.

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Q: Give an outline of the major milestones in mathematics from euclid to euler?
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What were the major milestones in mathematics from Euclid to Euler?

That's over two thousand years of wholesale changes in an enormous field. An excellent topic for a research paper, but beyond the scope of our humble enterprise.

Did Leonhard Euler invent mathematics?

L. Euler stands alone as one of the greatest mathematicians ever, as well as one of the greatest mathematical teachers ever. However, no single person, not even Euler, can be said to have "invented" mathematics, because it predates written history. Euler did contribute quite a bit though; especially in regards to the standardization of notation, the use of infinite series, functional analysis, and infinitesimal calculus.

Who is the king of mathematics?

Leonhard Euler is the king of mathematics, even he was blind !Euler introduced much of the mathematical notation in use today, such as the notation f(x) to describe a function and the modern notation for the trigonometric functions. He was the first to use the letter e for the base of the natural logarithm, now also known as Euler's number. The use of the Greek letter π to denote the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter was also popularized by Euler (although it did not originate with him).[1] He is also credited for inventing the notation i to denote .[2]I salute him.

What was the contribution of mathematicians from Euclid to Euler?

That's over two thousand years of wholesale changes in an enormous field. An excellent topic for a research paper, but beyond the scope of our humble enterprise.

Who made the best contribution to mathematics?

Judgment call. 'Best' in what way? I like Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) but there are many other candidates.

Related questions

What were the major milestones in mathematics from Euclid to Euler?

That's over two thousand years of wholesale changes in an enormous field. An excellent topic for a research paper, but beyond the scope of our humble enterprise.

Who are the mathematicians in between Euclid and Euler?

Leonardo euler

What major milestone did mathematicians from Euclid to Euler do?

refer Wikipedia.........

Who are some mathematicians?

Euclid, Euler, Einstein were all mathematicians.

Who is the most prolific mathematician?

Either Leonhard Euler, if counting by single authorship, or Paul Erdös, if counting by collaborative publications.

Who are the best mathematicians?

1. euler 2.gauss 3.euclid

Who are the mathematicians that contributed to the field of mathematics?


What are the major milestones in math from Euclid to Euler?

That's over two thousand years during which the disciplines of math and its related sciences underwent wholesale changes on a regular basis. It's a great topic for a thesis or a research paper, but it's beyond the scope of our operation.

Who proved that there are many infinitely prime numbers in about 300 BC?

While I am not sure about the year, the first such proof was provided by Euclid - and the proof is surprisingly simple!

Did Leonhard Euler invent mathematics?

L. Euler stands alone as one of the greatest mathematicians ever, as well as one of the greatest mathematical teachers ever. However, no single person, not even Euler, can be said to have "invented" mathematics, because it predates written history. Euler did contribute quite a bit though; especially in regards to the standardization of notation, the use of infinite series, functional analysis, and infinitesimal calculus.

Who are some famous mathematicians?

AnswerPeano, Fibonacci, Gauss, Newton, Galileo (mostly physics), Euler, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Euclid, Bernoulli, Archimedes, Descartes.

Who are the mathematicians who lived from Euclid to Euler and their contributions in mathematics?

If I understand you correctly, you would like us to provide you with a list of mathematicians, no matter their area of concentration, over a two thousand year time period. We're not here to write research papers of that magnitude. If you could narrow your request, you might receive a more satisfying answer.